
St Helen's Catholic Primary School

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St Helen’s Catholic Primary School

Spring 2

Week ending Thursday 14th April

This week's P.E. stars are the winners of the hockey tournament. Well played everyone, you all showed great teamwork.

Week ending 8th April

Our P.E. stars this week.

Week ending Fri 25th March

Golden Book

This week Golden Books awards were for a positive Growth Mindset. Tobey and Athena won the awards this week as they approach all their learning with a positive outlook and a can do attitude. 


The children who did not go swimming this afternoon had a super game of basketball in the sun. 


Focus book in Literacy lessons is 'Tar Beach by Faith Ringold.

Writer of the week

Three brilliant writers for this week's "Writer of the Week" award. Fantastic descriptions of what they would see flying over the George Washington Bridge at night. 

Week ending 18th March

Golden Book

This week's Golden Book awards have been awarded to Lilly and Jackson as they have a fantastic attitude to learning and always show great resilience when things are challenging. 


Today we investigated the which seeds were the most effective for seed dispersal. We made copies of a Sycamore seed and a cotton seed and measured how far they travelled when drops. We had to consider what made the experiment fair. 

St. Pius - Science Day

Year 5 had a fantastic Science day at St. Pius. They were forensic scientists for the day and used investigations and tests to solve a crime:

chromatography to test the ink of a pen,

burnt metallic powders in the Bunsen burner,

take fingerprints and examine them under a magnifying glass,

Make a cast of an imprint.

Weekending 11th March

This week's Golden Book awards. 

Week ending Friday 4th March


The news has been very sad and shocking this week. Class 4 had lots of questions and things to say about the invasion of Ukraine. We all took part in a prayer for peace for Ukraine in class and the children wrote some heartfelt prayers on the petals of a sunflower - a sign of hope as it is the national flower of Ukraine.

The Cafod prayer for peace in Ukraine

Book focus in Literacy lessons is

'The Man Who Walked Between Two Towers'

Wonderful Writers for their letters from Philippe Petit (the tightrope Walker who famously walked between the towers of the World Trade Centre in NYC) to the judge following his arrest.

World Book Day

We had a super day on Thursday for World Book Day. The children dressed up as book characters and we spent the day enjoying books. We created fantastic cartoon strips of our favorite books and made book reviews to recommend good books we have read to other children in the class.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.