
St Helen's Catholic Primary School

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St Helen’s Catholic Primary School

Summer 1

Week 7

W.B 24.5.21

Our final week this half term has been  very busy.In Maths we were learning about fractions.In R.E, we were learning about other Faiths and in Science we carried out investigations to try and answer our inquiry question, “What can your hands do?”

With the weather warming up, we enjoyed exploring our outdoor area.


Unfortunately our caterpillars haven’t hatched but fear not, I will record a video when they do and share it with you here so keep an eye out for the update!🦋


Enjoy your two weeks off with your loved ones and stay safe.

Week 6

W.B 17.5.21

This week we enjoyed weaving.We worked as a group and also had opportunities to create our own individual art pieces.

Week 5

W.B 10.5.21

This week in RE, we were learning about friendship.We made cards and bracelets for our friends.

R.E- Reconciliation-Friendship bracelets and cards

Week 4

W.B 3.5.21


This week in Science we were looking at life cycles. We looked at the life cycle of caterpillars and that of sunflowers.

We planted some sunflower seeds and we can’t wait to watch them grow!

We tried to answer this inquiry question, “Can you leap like a frog?” We looked at some actions that animals can do and investigated whether we could do them too. We enjoyed using our sense of smell to find out if we could sniff as well as dogs do.

Our caterpillars also arrived this week!🙂 

Week 3

This week in Art we have been looking at Andy Goldsworthy’s art. We had a go at creating sculptures using some of his ideas.


Week 1

W.B 12.4.21


We had a lovely first week back. Everyone came back refreshed and ready to do work hard.smiley


This week we learnt three new poems from the Poetry Basket. We also read a story called "The very Hungry Caterpillar " by Eric Carle. We practised retelling the story using actions and drew story maps (Talk4Writing).

In science we attempted to answer this inquiry question, "Why do we have two eye?"

We carried out investigations where we had to perform a tasks with both eyes open and then attempted the same tasks with one eye closed. We really enjoyed finding out how two eyes help us to see and perform tasks better.

We are looking forward to answering more inquiry questions as we explore  more learning opportunities.



Poetry Basket :Dance

Still image for this video

Why do we have two eyes? Science Experiment

Talk4Writing-The very hungry Caterpillar (story maps)

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.