Upon receiving an offer of a school place for your child, you have 10 working days to notify the Admissions Team if you wish to appeal it. You must fill out a Notice of Appeal and return it to them explaining your reasons for appealing. A booklet explaining how the appeal process works will also be sent to you so you can understand the process in greater detail.
14 days before the appeal takes place, you will receive a letter informing you of the appeal date. Seven days before the appeal, documentation outlining the reasons for denying the admission will be sent.
At your appeal hearing, you need to decide what you will say and what written arguments you will present to the panel. At least seven days before the appeal, you must submit all written documentation to the Admissions Team.
To ensure your child has a school placement, you should also accept any school placement offer you receive. The appeal process will not limit the choices you may have if you accept another offer, and you can still appeal even if you accept another offer.
Contact the friendly St Helen's team for more information on alternative places with our school, our space availability and to book a visit!