
St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

Home Page

St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

Home Learning

Welcome to Class 3's Home Learning Page. Here, daily lessons, resources and activities can be downloaded from home if you are self-isolating or in the event of school closure.


Each day, lessons will be provided Monday to Friday during term time. Begin from the day and date you decided to self-isolate or that school closes. This is clear below.


Do not skip a day, as each day's lessons build upon the previous day.


If you wish to email me pictures of your work for each day, or need help with the work, you can do on:


Or simply save the work to bring into school when you return.


Alongside this, it is expected you are reading at least 3 times a week for 15 minutes and your reading record is completed.


In addition, Times Table Rock Stars should be played everyday for at least 30 minutes. Children should know their log in details for this.


World Books have just made 3000+ books available for free online. Simply sign up using the link below!


Mr Tasker smiley




Day 2 - 18/03/2020


Guided Reading - 7 questions on chapter 2 of the Abominables

Literacy - Personification - Follow the slides and the activities on them

Maths - Fractions of Amounts again but including word problems as well


Day 3 - 19/03/2020


Due to the announcement of school closures yesterday (17/03/2020) schools are extremely busy putting plans in place. Today's work is revision in the form of test papers. You do not need to complete these to time, just work your way through them and answer the questions in your yellow home learning books if you received them. If not, print off the papers or complete on lined or plain paper, which ever is best for you.


I have also attached the answers so you can check how you have done. Email me the results of both tests to the email above.


Literacy - GPS and Spelling Question. Add the marks together for a total out of 50

Maths - Arithmatic Questions and TT Rock Stars for 30 minutes at least

Reading - 15 minutes with a favourite book and record completed.


Day 4 - 20/03/202


With Mother's Day on Sunday, your task, if you choose to accept it, is to make a secret gift to give her!


Here are some links to ideas and crafts. Be creative with what you have around the house - is there anything that can be used which would be just thrown in the bin? What ever you make, your mum will love it!


If you haven't already, complete the tests from yesterday and email me the scores of each. This will help me keep track of where you are for when you come back.


On Monday, I will begin to post work for you to follow. This is the only work I expect you to do each day. 


Day 5 - Monday - 23/03/2020


Happy Monday!

As you may have heard, schools are no longer educational institutions, but rather childcare for key workers keep the country going. This means that students are no longer following the National Curriculum this year. 


However, the work I post on here will follow the National Curriculum and will be work that we would have done in class this year if circumstances had allowed. I wish for my students to have the best education possible and I plan on limiting the impact on them for when they return.


Before this happens, I am posting the Spring Assessments that children would have done next week. Please complete the reading test below, mark and email me the score using the email address above. This is important for me to keep track of what your child knows so far. The test doesn't need to be done to time, but does need to be completed independently as much as possible. 


PE -  Youtube 'The Body Coach TV' for 9 am each day to complete the PE lesson. You need to move as much as possible whilst you are at home!


Reading - The pictures are not the best quality but zoom in on the pdf to read. Do the best you can! This is the only thing I want you to do today.



Day 6 - Tuesday - 24/03/2020


Remember to email me scores for today. Sorry about the quality of the reading paper from yesterday. The documents can only be opened correctly in school and so I had to take photos of my screen. I believe the next will be better quality thanks to an app I was pointed in the direction of!


PE - Joe Wicks PE at 9am - Don't know about anyone else but I had to nap after it yesterday!


Maths - Reasoning Paper - Doesn't need to be done to time, but needs to be done independently as much as possible. Give your children breaks if need be. 


TTRS - 30 Minutes - Sound Check and 5 Studio Games


Reading - 15 Minutes - Book of your choice.



Day 7 - Wednesday - 25/03/2020


Remember to email me scores for today. You need to have completed both Reasoning Papers and the Arithmetic Paper from a previous day (unless you were in school when we did this). All three scores are added together to get your grade. Tomorrow normal lessons resume. 


PE - Joe Wicks PE at 9am - Going to be fit humans by the time we get back!


Maths - Reasoning Paper 3 - Doesn't need to be done to time, but needs to be done independently as much as possible. Give your children breaks if need be. 


TTRS - 30 Minutes - Sound Check and 5 Studio Games


Reading - 15 Minutes - Book of your choice.


Day 8 - Thursday - 26/03/2020


Normal lessons resume (as best as possible). As always, email me pictures of your work or simply save them to bring back to school. 


PE - Joe is keeping the nation fit! If you fancy sending me a video of this I could do with a smile :) 


Maths - Comparing fractions. Use the information in the slides to help you with the questions at the end.


Literacy - Write the first verse of your poem using the writing frame. I have also posted the slides from previous lessons in school to remind you of how and why we use the features we have practised. 


TTRS and Reading as normal


Day 9 - Friday - 27/03/2020


Morning! Happy Friday! The lesson I posted follow the National Curriculum for my class. I may not post all lessons each day, but what I do post would have been what we would have covered in class. 


If you have missed any days, use the weekend to try to catch up if you can. The lessons follow on from each other. 


Below is a picture of professional offering video education via social media or youtube. This is optional if you want anything extra to do unless I post it directly as work


Science - The Water Cycle - follow the slides to learn about the water cycle and get crafty to understand the process!


Reading - 5 questions on the Abominables extract - This extract will be important for the writing on Monday!


Maths - Compare and Order Fractions using what you learnt from yesterday!



Day 10 - Monday - 30/03/2020


Happy Monday! Hope everyone is keeping safe and staying at home! Today is the final day of poetry and I will be using this to give you your writing grade. Send a picture of your poem verse with the one you written previously. Write both verses together in best handwriting please!


Maths: Making the whole - follow the slides and complete the worksheets


Writing: Create the second verse of your poem focusing on the negative impacts of humans on Nanvi Dar now they have arrived. Then, copy up both verses with best handwriting and send me a picture of your poem. 


PE: Get ready for Joe Wickes again! I want you all fit as fiddles by the time we are back. If you don't want to do Joe, make sure you are getting out for your exercise each day!


Reading - 15 minutes

TTRS - 1 Sound Check, 5 Studio Games


Day 11 - Tuesday - 31/03/2020


Remember, the work I post each day are areas of the curriculum we would have covered if we were still in school. If you complete these days, you will be effected less when you come to school and will not fall as behind as you would if you didn't complete this work. 


Art - Give Will Sniley a follow on youtube. He is a comic book designer and giving tutorials on how to draw on his channel. Send me one of your artwork!


Maths - Adding Fractions - follow the pdf and complete the worksheet


Topic - Research the Lhoba People, a tribe in the Himalayan Mountains. This will be forming part of your next piece of writing. 


Reading - 15 minutes minimum - complete your record.


Day 12 - Wednesday - 01/04/2020


You can do anything additional you wish using all the suggestions on this page, but below is the work for today.


Maths - Adding and Subtracting Fractions today. Use yesterday's slides as a reminder of how to work these out


Topic Writing - Using your notes from yesterday's research, create your first draft paragraphs on the Lhoba People using main clauses, subordinate clauses and noun phrases to ensure detail.


Music - Myleene Klass on Youtube is offering music education and developing singing and musical knowledge. Give the first video a watch and go.


Day 13 - Thursday - 2/04/2020


Maths - Adding and Subtracting Fractions Word Problems. Apply your knowledge from the last two days!


Topic Writing - Lhoba People research Part 2! Research their lifestyle and mind map your findings ready for paragraph writing tomorrow!


PE - He's backkkkk! Parents, don't wince, it's good for you!


Reading - 15 minutes or log onto David Walliams' website at 11 am for story time!



Day 14 - 03/04/2020


Happy Friday! Anyone else feel like the last two weeks have been more like two years? 


Maths - We are coming nearing the end of Fractions by next week. Today's word problems will make you apply all your knowledge of fractions so far!


Topic Writing - Write up the Lhoba People Lifestyle paragraphs using your mind maps from yesterday. I expect subordinate, main and noun phrases again but also adverbs!


Art - Find two pictures of the Lhoba People on Google images and draw them in a 10cm x 10cm box. These will be cut out to put with your final writing. Try to pick two pictures that match any of your paragraphs. 


Day 15 - Monday - 06/04/2020


Happy Monday! This week is the last week before the Easter Holidays! For the Federation we have a week off (not that you haven't been off already eh?)


I won't be posting work during the holidays, which means if you are behind on the work it will give you time to catch up.


Maths - We are nearly finished with Fractions. This week we are focusing on equivalent fractions (fractions that are divided into different equal parts, but are actually the same size). Work through the powerpoint and complete the coluring activity at the end (if you don't have a printer, don't worry, I've written instructions for you to do)


Writing - Time to write up your paragraphs on the Lhoba People in best! Cut out the two pictures you drew, stick them onto some paper and write in best your paragraphs next to them to create a report. Parents make sure spellings and punctuation is correct. I am looking for best handwriting.


PE - Its Joe time again! Don't worry if you missed 9 am, his video will be up on Youtube!


Day 16 - Tuesday - 07/04/2020


Maths - Equivalent fractions is our focus for this week! Look at the powerpoint and complete the worksheet. Answers are attached to the worksheet document so no cheating!


Literacy - Get creative with storyboard the Princess and the Pea! A nice and light story in the midst of all the chaos


RE - It is Holy Week this week. Learn and listen to the story of Palm Sunday and create your own little donkey!


Day 17 - Wednesday - 08/04/2020


Maths - Equivalent Fractions. Use yesterday's slide as a reminder to help with today's work.


Literacy - Revise Direct Speech using Princess and the Pea. 


RE - Read the story of the Last Supper and The Garden Arrest. Create a prayer to Jesus thanking him for all he did for us. 


Day 18 - Thursday - 09/04/2020


Happy Easter - Today is the last day of work before the holidays today. Remember, if you have fallen behind on the days then use the holidays to catch up. 

We will be back on the 20th April ready for the Summer Term! In the meantime, if you need anything I will be on my emails regardless. 


Stay Safe!


Maths - Equivalent Fractions on Number Lines - practise in a different context!


Literacy - Practise speech marks in a dialogue then write your own short versions of the Princess and the Pea story. Answers are on the documents. NO CHEATING! :) 


RE - Create a cross for your window for passers by.


Day 19 - Monday - 20/04/2020


Welcome Back! I hope everyone had a good Easter Break as much as you possibly could. If you need me, email me on the email address above!


Few updates about the work. We have had guidance on the use of some of the resources we are allowed to use due to copyright issues. Because of this, the work I post will not be as tailored as they could be, as I know have to use resources that are free to everyone. 


I still plan on posting work that we would have covered in school in term, however, some work will simply be revision of what children have learnt. This will make sure that what they have learnt already, they do not forgot and limit the gaps they may have when they come back to school.


BBC have now started daily lesson programmes on BBC Bitesize. This is accessible by BBC IPlayer, or the red button on the BBC. Each day, lessons in different subjects will be presented by experts in the field, from Brian Cox on the Solar System, to David Attenborough on Nature. I will be setting this for an Afternoon. TV is accessible for all and it is a good opportunity to learn from the experts!


30 Minutes of TTRS and 15 Minutes of Reading are still expected as well. 


Maths: Telling the time past the hour. Follow the PDF and complete the worksheet. Parents, using a clock face and not digital, ask your child to tell the time to you at various points in the day.


Literacy: Reading comprehension on Fantastic Fox. Find character descriptions and draw the characters based on these.


Bite-size: Day 1


30 Minutes of TTRS and 15 Minutes of Reading are still expected as well. 



Day 20 - Tuesday - 21/04/20


Morning! See today's work below.


Maths: Yesterday was looking at telling the time past the hours. Today is about telling the time to the hour! Follow the slides and complete the clock face sheet. Answers attached so don't skip ahead.


Literacy: Present Perfect Verbs using Chapter 16 of Fantastic Mr Fox. Complete all the activities. Answers after each activity so no skipping ahead!


BBC Bitesize Day 2


TTRS 30 minutes. 1 Sound Check. 5 Studios. Own choice after.


Reading 15 minutes. Improve your fluency and speed. Parents - ask them questions based on what they have read.


Day 21 - Wednesday - 22/06/2020


Maths: Use your practise of telling the time to complete the Level 1 worksheet. Answers at the end of the document. 


Literacy: Reinvent the story of Fantastic Mr Fox using Pi Corbett. Create a dilemma story about a different animal family, with different enemies, in a different setting. Use the skills we learnt in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. 

Watch the Movie here starting with Part 1!


PE: Joe Wicks is calling your name!


TTRS 30 MINS - 1 Sound Check - 5 Studios




Day 22 - Thursday - 23/04/2020


To access Bitesize TV:


Log onto BBC IPlayer - Scroll to the bottom to Bitesize - Select 5 to 7 Year Olds.

On the red button - Press the red button on BBC 1 - select Bitesize - select 5 to 7 year olds. 


Each day has an episode with 2 subjects on. This is a good resource that shows you what to do from experts. 


Maths: Telling the time to 5 minutes Level 2 sheet - harder questions. Answers attached


Literacy: Prepositions and GR. Answers attached


Bitesize Day 3


TTRS - 30 mins - 1 studio game and 5 studio games


Reading - 15 minutes



Day 23 - Friday - 24/04/2020


Maths: Last worksheet on Time. This is the hardest sheet for this week. Answers attached to the document.


Literacy: Instructional writing. Rather than cutting an sticking, match the instructions together and write out in your best handwriting. Practise that handwriting so it doesn't become messy for when you're back!


Computing: Enjoy an hour of coding with Minecraft. Solve these coding problems to explore the underwater cities.


Bitesize 5 to 7 years Week1.5


Day 24 - Monday - 27/04/2020


Maths: Telling the time to 5 minutes but this time with Roman Numerals! The next three days will see activities that will get harder each day. Use the skills you learnt last week to apply here. It is easy! The only thing that has changed is how we are showing the numbers!


Literacy: Non-Chronological Reports! Identify the features in three reports and research technical language. I have attached a weekly overview for Literacy so you can see what is coming next.


Coding: Code your own dance party using the hour of code!



Day 25 - Tuesday - 28/04/2020


Maths: Read the Powerpoint from yesterday to help with these slightly harder questions. It is recommended that you do the activity from yesterday first. Answers attached at the end.


Literacy: Write a non-chron report about a chosen game. Remember I expect full sentences with full punctuation and neat hand writing. Get an adult to check your work and make corrections if needed.


Bitesize 5-7 Year Olds Week 2.2


Reading 15 minutes. Complete reading records


TTRS. 1 Sound Check. 5 Studio Game. 30 Minutes



Day 26 - Wednesday - 29/04/2020


Maths: The most difficult sheet on telling the time using Roman Numerals. It is recommended you complete the previous days on this before you have a go at this sheet. Answers attached.


Literacy: Revise Past and Present Tense verbs with this short writing activity. If you have the ability, send the work to the friend you have written about and brighten their day! :) 


Topic: Tune in to Steve Backshall Wildlife on Youtube every Wednesday!


TTRS. 1 Sound Check. 5 Studios. 30 Minutes


Reading 15 Minutes. Complete Record.


Day 27 - Thursday - 30/04/2020


Maths: This work is to be completed over the next two days. Become a master of reading an analogue clock to 5 minutes. Use your learning from the last 4 days to attempt these challenging mastery questions. Answers attached in a separate document.


Literacy: Shape Poetry and Progressive Tenses. Follow the revision cards and activities before writing your own shape poetry in the style of Roald Dahl.


Bitesize 5 - 7 Year Olds Week 2.4


TTRS. 1 Sound Check. 5 Studios


Reading 15 Minutes. Complete Records.



Day 28 - Friday - 01/05/2020


Maths: The work from yesterday to be continued before we move onto digital time next week. Take your time with the questions as they are meant to challenge you and make you think.


Literacy: Present Perfect Tense using poetry again. Tenses are important to give variety and understanding to your work.


PE: Parents I know you wince when you see this! Time for Joe Wicks!






Day 29 - Monday - 04/05/2020


Happy Star Wars Day! May the 4th be with you (get it? Get it?)

Anywho, today's work is as follows:


Maths: You have learnt about analogue time, no is time to learn about 12 hour digital time with am and pm. Convert between analogue and 12 hour digital time. Answers attached to the worksheet.


Literacy: The weekly overview is attached. Today I would like you to practice your sequencing and summarising skills using evidence from the text.


Computing: Can you help the droid navigate the map? Complete the hour of code for this Star Wars game. If you wish to do different hour of code you are more than welcome to - there are plenty of options.


TTRS - Look out for me on Arena at 4pm for 15 minutes of battles. Can you beat me? 


Reading - 15 minutes. Complete records.


Day 30 - Tuesday - 05/05/2020


Maths: Use the powerpoint from yesterday to recap converting between analogue and digital 12 hour time. Then attempt this harder work sheet today. Similar questions than yesterday but more challenging. Answers attached.


Literacy: Read the story of King Midas and recap how to use inverted commas (fancy name for speech marks) to show the direct speech of characters.


Bitesize: Chose a week and lesson you haven't seen and that you'd enjoy from the 5 to 7 year old page.


TTRS: 1 Sound Check. 5 Studio Games.


Reading: Complete your records



Day 31 - Wednesday - 06/05/2020


Maths: Final day on 12 hour digital time to analogue and vice versa. Hardest questions with Answers attached. Tomorrow we will be looking at 24 hour digital time.


Literacy: Revising direct speech punctuation in a different context. I want best handwriting please during this activity please.


PE: Its Joe Wicks time...


TTRS: 1 Sound Check, 5 Studio Games


Reading: 15 minutes and complete your records


Day 32 - Thursday - 07/05/2020


Hi everyone. Just wanted to give a bit of an update to the work I post  on here. The work I am posting is still work that would have been covered in class before Lockdown. Now obviously, for home schooling, you can only do the best you can and you are. Do not stress if they struggle with the work. Get them to do their best, but it is important they still attempt the work to limit the impact of being away from school. 


It can also be hard to get motivated in a home environment. That is why I am trying not to post too much work that your or my students are feeling over whelmed. I find little and often is better. Please feel free to get in contact if you need anything.


Maths: Telling time  to the minute. This is important for accurate reading of a clock where you need to know the exact time. This work is for today and tomorrow. Complete the 1 and 2 star sheets today and the 3 star sheets tomorrow.


Literacy: Explore the Harry Potter Studio tour and by reading the reports. A bit of reading comprehension to keep those skills sharp!


Bitesize: Week 3.4 on 5 to 7 year olds






Day 33 - Friday - 08/05/2020


Maths: Complete the 3 star questions on yesterdays document


Literacy: Break up the work for today. It is quite a bit and there is a report written task at the end. Remember the basics of writing. I am expecting best handwriting, paragraphs, full sentences with punctuation and spelling. Parents, please check over the work and ask them to make corrections if needed. This is very important for learning.




Day 34 - Monday - 11/05/2020


Good morning everyone! It was lovely to speak to those of you I was able to on Friday. As I explained, the work I place on here is to be little and often, with a focus on revising Literacy and Maths. TTRS and Reading are expecting each day and I will also put extra curricular suggestions daily that can be done. 


As always if you need any help, get in touch.


Maths: 24 hour time conversation from 12 hour time. Only a powerpoint today to read with activities on the power point. 


Literacy: Revising conjunctions and how they can help construct sentences. Use the reading to practise these.


TTRS: At least one Sound Check and 3 Studios


Reading: Complete reading records


Bitesize: 5-7 Years, Week 3.1


Day 35 - Tuesday - 12/05/2020


Maths: Level 1 24 hour conversion worksheet. Each sheet will get progressively harder over the next 3 days. 


Literacy: Clause and Conjunction revision


Bitesize Week 3.2


TTRS: 1 Sound Check, 3 Studio Games


Reading: 15 Minutes


Day 36 - Wednesday - 13/05/2020


Morning all.


Maths: 24 hour time conversion Level 2 worksheet. Similar questions but harder than yesterday. Practise makes Permanent! You'll need to know this for Friday's ultimate test!


Literacy: Sequencing reading comprehension and writing using conjunctions.


TTRS: 1 Sound Check, 3 Studio Games


Reading: 15 Minutes



Day 37 - Thursday - 14/05/2020


Maths: Final and hardest worksheet for converting 24 hour and 12 hour digital times. Tomorrow will be the real test on time!


Literacy: Can you remember adverbs and how they are used? Use Harry Potter to practise using adverbs in your writing along with the conjunctions you have practised so far.


TTRS: 1 Sound Check, 3 Studios


Reading: 15 Minutes


Extra: Bitesize Week 3.4


Day 38 - Friday - 15/05/2020


Maths: The final challenge of time. Can you convert between 12, 24 and analogue all in one go? Use the last two weeks of learning to have a go before we move onto statistics!


Literacy: Character report writing. Create a piece of writing we best handwriting and sentences using conjunctions and adverbs like practised.




Day 39 - Monday - 18/05/2020


Maths: Calculate the perimeter of shapes. Follow the powerpoint and answer the questions.


Literacy: Story Map planning and comprehension. This week we are focusing on adverbials and noun phrases.


Art: Today is International Museum Day. Create a masterpiece portrait of a family member using correct proportions. 


Day 40 - Tuesday - 19/05/2020


Maths: Re-look at yesterdays powerpoint to remind yourself of perimeter and have a go at these questions. There is only 7, but later in the week the questions will get more challenging quickly and you need to be secure in what perimeter is. 


Literacy: Practise adverbials. Adverbials add detail to a verb, like an adverb. Adverbials can be an adverb (1 word) a phrase or a clause (which include a verb but don't make sense by themselves. 


TTRS - 1 Soundcheck, 3 Studio


Reading - 15 minutes. Complete your record.



Day 41 - Wednesday - 20/05/2020


Maths: Perimeter level 2. Some sides are missing. Use your knowledge of rectangles and squares to work out the missing sides first before you work out the perimeter.


Literacy: Re-tell the story from the prey perspective. I am looking for quality sentences and best handwriting, rather than quantity. You must make sure you write enough for it to be a story, but keep it to a page of A4. I want to see adverbials used. An extra challenge is to place them at the front of your sentences.


Bitesize: Week 4.3 5-7 year olds.


TTRS - 1 SoundCheck, 3 Studio.


Reading - 15 minutes. Complete Records.


Day 42 - Thursday - 21/05/2020


Maths: Focus on rectangular perimeter remembering that a rectangle has 2 pairs of equal sides.


Literacy: Revise nouns, adjectives and verbs in poetry. Create your own lines of poetry. Disclaimer: the name of the poem is in no way how I'm spending my day!


Bitesize: Week 4.4


Day 43 - Friday - 22/05/2020


Maths: Perimeter Mastery Questions. Use your knowledge from this week to have a go at these challenging questions. Answers attached.


Literacy: Prepositional poetry. Create your own poetry using prepositional phrases. Use the revision to help remind you of what prepositions and prepositional phrases are.


TTRS: I will be online ready to battle at 3pm. Find me in the arena and test your times tables. 


Day 44 - 08/06/2020 - Monday


Welcome back everyone! Hope you have had a nice half term. Not long left now.


Maths: Pictograms for today. Interpret the data and answer the questions on the slides ready for this week.


Literacy: Some reading comprehension on Martin Luthor King. I think this is quite relevant at the moment to gain some insight into what is happening. The PDF as 3 different levels of reading - 1 star, 2 start or the hardest 3 star. Each difficulty has questions and answers. Try to get your child to read at least the 2 star text. However, if they find this too difficult, read the easier, or likewise too easy, read the harder and answer the questions. 


Day 45 - 09/06/2020 - Tuesday


Maths: Three worksheets with various questions. Make sure you take note of the key!


Literacy: Revisit conjunctions and storytelling.


This is all for today as these are a bit lengthy.


Day 46 - Wednesday - 10/06/202


Maths: Mastery of Pictograms. Each sheets gets progressively harder. Make sure you speak out your reasoning.


Literacy: Compare and contrast texts from today and yesterday, before recapping conjunctions and clauses.


TTRS: 1 Sound Check, 3 Studios. 


Day 47 - Thursday - 11/06/2020


As the Lockdown eases and people begin to go back to work, I will only be posting Maths and Literacy from this point forward as to not overwhelm students and parents in my class. 


Maths: Go through the Powerpoint and answer the questions ready for tomorrow's activity.


Literacy: Apply conjunctions to a story based on the reading so far this week.


TTRS: 1 Sound Check



Day 48 - Friday - 12/06/2020


Mrs Maitland and the Barnsley Music Hub are working hard to put on the KS2 Music Festival for Recorders that Class 3 should have been participating in. On June 26th this will take place virtually and you can take part. Practise and learning the songs and action here!



Maths: Bar Chart Mastery and Answers attached. The questions get progressively harder.


Literacy: Practise your speaking, listening and reading skills using these poems.


TTRS: 1 Sound Check


Reading: 15 Minutes. Date Reading Records


Day 49 - Monday - 15/06/20


Maths: Drawing Bar Charts. This document is for the next 3 days. Start on the 1 star worksheets (the star is at the bottom of the page). The worksheet will get harder each day with bigger scales.


Literacy: Revise verbs and synonyms and then use these within sentences. Try to be creative and complex with your sentences. Try to avoid simple sentences and instead, bring in clauses, phrases and start sentences with adverbs to bring some creativity.


Reading 15 minutes.


TTRS: 1 Sound Check


Day 50 - Tuesday - 16/06/2020


Maths: Download yesterday's PDF and complete the second worksheet (2 stars at the bottom of the page)


Literacy: Revising perfect present tense and complete the activities


TTRS: 1 Sound Check


Reading: 15 minutes. You need to be questioning your child about what they have read. Ask them questions that involved 'Why?' and 'How' to get them to explain. 


Day 51 - Wednesday - 17/06/2020


Maths: Download Monday's PDF and complete the last worksheet (3 stars at the bottom of the page) You will have to do a bit of estimation on how high to draw the bars.


Literacy: Applying perfect present tense and complete the activities


TTRS: 1 Sound Check


Reading: 15 minutes. You need to be questioning your child about what they have read. Ask them questions that involved 'Why?' and 'How' to get them to explain. 


Day 52 - Thursday - 18/06/2020


Maths: The last two days are dedicated to tables and reading information from them. Follow the powerpoint and answer the questions as an introduction.


Literacy: Planning a short story using the pictures and poems provided.


TTRS: 1 Sound Check


Reading: 15 minutes. You need to be questioning your child about what they have read. Ask them questions that involved 'Why?' and 'How' to get them to explain. 


Day 53 - Friday - 19/06/2020


Maths: The last two days are dedicated to tables and reading information from them. Have a go at the worksheets. They get harder progressively. Answers attached too.


Literacy: Write you short story. 


Day 54 - Monday - 22/06/2020


Maths: Over next few weeks we will be using a different resource. This resource comes with a teaching video to watch and a worksheet to complete. Click on the link below and select Lesson 1. We are looking at Money. This is a Year 4 topic, however Year 3 students are expected to access this. 


Literacy: Some simple comprehension and sequencing. Remember, Fun Time Extras are extras and are not expected to be completed unless you want something to do.


TTRS: 1 Sound Check. I am checking scores and which pupils are doing this at home.




Day 55 - Tuesday - 23/06/2020


Maths:  Click on the link below and select Lesson 2. Build upon your knowledge of money from yesterday then complete the worksheet. 


Literacy: Some comprehension on Henry's Freedom Box. Follow the link on the sheet to listen to the story again. Remember, Fun Time Extras are extras and are not expected to be completed unless you want something to do.


TTRS: 1 Sound Check. I am checking scores and which pupils are doing this at home.


Day 56 - Wednesday - 24/06/2020


Maths:  Click on the link below and select Lesson 3. Build upon your knowledge of money from yesterday then complete the worksheet. 


Literacy: Some more comprehension on Henry's Freedom Box. This can be verbal comprehension with a parent rather than written. Then a short letter to a friend retelling Henry's story. Remember, Fun Time Extras are extras and are not expected to be completed unless you want something to do.


TTRS: 1 Sound Check. I am checking scores and which pupils are doing this at home.


Day 57 - Thursday - 25/06/2020


Maths:  Click on the link below and select Lesson 4. Build upon your knowledge of money from yesterday then complete the worksheet for problem solving. 


Literacy: Read the poem and complete the questions on comprehension and possessive apostrophes. You do not need to do Number 3. Remember, Fun Time Extras are extras and are not expected to be completed unless you want something to do.


TTRS: 1 Sound Check. I am checking scores and which pupils are doing this at home.


Day 58 - Friday - 26/06/20


Maths: Catch up on this week's work on Money then TTRS: 1 Sound Check, 5 Studio games.


Literacy: Poetry writing using Possessive Apostrophes. 



Day 59 - Monday - 29/06/2020


Maths: Follow the link below and watch lesson 1 on tables and charts together. These are more sophisticated than before. Build upon your previous knowledge and complete the worksheet. 


Literacy: Revision of speech but this time, using synonyms for said to convey meaning and emotion. 


TTRS: 1 Sound Check. Your Times Tables are super important. If you do not know your times tables you are going to struggle when you come back to school!


Day 60 - Tuesday - 30/06/2020


Maths: Click on the link below and select lesson 2. Complete the worksheet. 


Literacy: Applying direct speech into a conversation between the duck and the bird from yesterday's story. Use the revision cards to remind yourself of how to punctuated speech.


TTRS: 1 Sound Check. You should be trying to beat your best score every day.


Day 61 - Wednesday - 01/07/2020


Maths: Follow the link below and select lesson 3. Complete the worksheet after. 


Literacy: Apply your knowledge of direct speech and create a short story with speech and conversations in based on the new text for today.


TTRS: 1 Soundcheck


Day 62 - Thursday - 02/06/2020


Maths: Follow the link  and watch Lesson 4 then complete the worksheet. 


Literacy: Read the poetry and play the vocabulary game. 


TTRS: 1 Sound Check.


Day 63 - Friday - 03/07/2020


Some parents have mentioned that they are struggling to keep up with finishing the work on time. So from now, Fridays will be catch up Fridays, allowing you to catch up on any work you need to for this week. 


If you have finished then I expected 30 Minutes of TTRS: 1 Sound Check, 10 Studio Games. I also expect your normal daily reading and your records being completed. 


As always, if you need anything, please get in contact. I will be ringing everyone next week again for Well Being Calls. 




Day 64 - Monday - 6/07/2020


Maths: Recognising angles. Watch the video for Lesson 1 this week and complete the worksheet.


Literacy: Revise prepositions and conjunctions. It is really important you keep practising these building blocks of sentences for September, even if you feel you know them.


TTRS: 1 Sound Check. Thank you to all who complete these. I have some in class who have not completed one for well over month. Your times tables are important and you will be tested on them next year. Use this time at home to learn them.


Day 65 - Tuesday - 07/07/2020


Maths: Comparing angles using your knowledge from yesterday. Follow the link and watch lesson 2.


Literacy: Prepositions and listen to the second part of Sinbad' story.


TTRS: 1 Sound Check


Day 66 - Wednesday - 08/07/2020


Maths: Looking at angles within a triangle


Literacy: Short story writing retelling parts of Sinbad's journey. Watch the rest of the video but do not complete number 1, the story board, move straight onto reading the new version and comparing the stories, before writing short  retelling. 


TTRS: 1 Sound Check.


Day 67 - Thursday - 09/07/2020


Maths: Apply your knowledge of angles to Quadrilaterals! Follow the link to Lesson 4 and complete the worksheet.


Literacy: Poetry Thursday. Complete all the activities. 


TTRS: 1 Soundcheck



Day 68 - Friday - 10/07/2020


Catch up Friday! Use this spare time to catch up on any work you haven't completed this week. If you have completed the work, your task is:


TTRS: 1 Sound Check and 30 minutes of game play. 


Reading: 15 minutes minimum


Get outside in the sun while you can!


Day 68 - Monday - 13/07/2020


We are into the final week before the summer holidays. i don't know about you, but it seems to have come around really quick considering the situation. 


Maths: Symmetry. Watch Lesson 1 and complete the sheet. 


Literacy: Looking at front covers and inferring information. 


TTRS: 1 Sound Check


Day 69 - Tuesday - 14/07/2020


Maths: Completing symmetry. Follow the link and watch lesson 2 for this week. Complete the worksheet


Literacy: Today's literacy is for the next 3 days starting from today. Complete section 1 today only. We will be building up to some writing on Thursday


TTRS: 1 Sound Check


Day 70 - Thursday - 16/07/2020


Apologies for yesterday! Turns out I forgot to click save and didn't realise. Hey ho...

Yesterday's Literacy would have been section 2 of the sheet posted on Tuesday, so if you have done that - well done! If not, don't worry as tomorrow is Catch-Up / Final Friday of school. 


Maths: Drawing on a grid using coordinates. As always, watch the videos. I would recommend watching Lesson 3 from yesterday and today Lesson 4 incase. 


Literacy: Complete section 3 of the worksheet posted Tuesday.


TTRS: 1 Sound Check or use paper and pen to repeat the times tables. 


Day 71 - FINAL FRIDAY - 17/07/2020


Well... who would have thought that nearly 4 months ago we would be ending the school year like this eh? 


Its been a difficult time for everyone in their own way, but the most important thing to remember is to be kind and support each other.


Whilst I wasn't your teacher for very long for a lot of you, I am proud at how far you all came in the time I did have you. Remember we are 'One Family' and come September we will be here to welcome you all back with open arms, in whatever way that will be. 


But for now, have a good summer holidays, stay safe and enjoy the important things in life. 


Mr T

Interactive Home Learning with Twinkl:


If you wish to keep yourselves further busy beyond the daily lessons...


Below is a document with interactive links to various resources provided by Twinkl with different activities for each day. There is usually a cost to these resources, however Twinkl have very kindly provided a code which allows a months free access to any resources on their site. Below are instructions on how to create a free account to access these resources:


Go to and enter the code UKTWINKLHELPS (For a collection of interactive Go! resources, organised by age and subject, visit: teach-lesson-packs-twinkl-go)


Once you have created your account you will be able to access the resources shown in the pack below.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.