
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School


Week 6

This week we have been:

Singing as a group and as  soloists.
Learning Au Clair de la Lune and BAGS twist as well as recapping songs from last lesson.

We are becoming fabulous at reading simple music sheets.


Week 5

This week we have been working on:

Recapping note values - crotchets, minims and semibreves.
 Recapping on B and A and learn some new pieces using G.
 Singing a range of songs.


Hot Cross Buns

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Week 4

This week the focus was:

Learn two new songs that incorporate singing as a group and as a soloist.

Identify the minim rest and repeat signs in music.

Learn two more pieces using B and A and introduce G.



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Week 3

The focus for this week was:


Learn what an off beat rhythm is and play as a group.

Learn to clap and play two more crotchet and quaver rhythms and learn what a minim is.

Learn to play a new note - A

Week 2

The focus for this week was:

* Learning new crotchet and quaver rhythms.
* Learning to read crotchet and minum rests and minim note.
* Playing two pieces of music - Steady Eddie and Bluesy B.
The children also listened to a piece of classical music and recognised the instruments being played. 

Playing note B

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Clapping to the beat

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Week 1

The children were introduced to our professional Music Teacher- Mrs Laycock. She introduced the recorder to the children and how to hold it correctly. The children had fun learning how to make sounds with the recorders and enjoyed some singing with actions too.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.