
St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

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St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

Autumn Term 1

Week 8


This week, in guided reading the children have created a storyboard about the Stone Age Boy capturing the main events that have occurred by drawing pictures and using key words to explain what has happened.


In Art this week, children have explored composition and scale to create an abstract drawing using a variety of drawing techniques and tools.


In Literacy this week, children have written their character description in the perspective of the boy when he first saw Om in the Stone Age Boy. 


In Maths, children have continued to explore addition and subtraction this week. Year 3 children are exploring column addition and subtraction with three-digit numbers and Year 4 children are exploring the same concept with four digit numbers. Children have started to explore the method of exchanging and regrouping.


In History this week, children have focused on the growth of religion and beliefs through the ages. Children have also studied the role of druids within the Iron Age.


Well done this week Class 3! Have a fantastic half term. 

Week 7


This week, children have finished reading The Stone Age Boy. The children explored what an archeologist is and what does an archeologist do. 


In Art this week, children focused on botanical drawing this is where the children chose a photo of a flower and carefully observed different parts of the flower and used simple shapes to sketch the form of an organic object.


In Literacy this week, children have developed there understanding on what makes a good character description by comparing it to poor character descriptions.


In Maths, children have continued to explore addition and subtraction this week. Year 3 children are exploring column addition and subtraction with three-digit numbers and Year 4 children are exploring the same concept with four digit numbers. Children have started to explore the method of exchanging and borrowing.


In PE this week, children put there basketball skills to the test as they began to play in game like situations. 


In History, children have explored settlements within the Iron Age. Children have learnt about round houses progressing to hillforts.



Well done Class 3!


Week 6


This week, children have been learning all about the British values, they have written about when they have used the British values during school or in there day to day lives. The children then began to create their very own posters about the British values.


In Literacy this week, children have moved on to exploring and developing their knowledge to create character descriptions and linking this to the stone age boy characters.


In Maths, children have started to explore addition and subtraction this week. Year 3 children are exploring column addition and subtraction with three-digit numbers and Year 4 children are exploring the same concept with four-digit numbers.


In Science this week, children have found out about the north and south poles of a magnetic. And used key words like repel and attract to describe what is happening to the magnet.


Well done Class 3! Another fantastic week. 

British Values

Mental Health Day


Week 5 


This week, children have continued to explore The Stone Age Boy in Guided Reading. This week, the boy has been introduced to a stone age family and the class found out how weapons and tools were made in the stone age.


In Art this week, children have continued to plan and design the making of a puppet. Children explored the equipment and resources needed to make a sock puppet before designing their very own next week.


In Literacy this week, children have started to focus on character description and they have began to describe The boy and Om (girl) from the stone age boy story.


In Maths, children have started addition and subtraction and using a variety of different methods to work out the answers. At the end of the week, we focused on using the column addition method more.  


In Science this week, children have learnt about friction. Children have explored magnetic strength and magnetic poles. Children have used key vocabulary such as attract and repel.


This week, Class 3 had there parents afternoon where parents and children designed there own posters about the stone age. If you would like to see the photos from the parents afternoon they have been uploaded to St Michaels Facebook page. 


Well done Class 3, you have worked very hard this week!

Week 4


This week, children have continued to explore The Stone Age Boy in Guided Reading. This week, children learnt about how people from the stone age lived and survived.


In Art this week, children had to take textured rubbings to create nature-inspired artwork in the style of Max Ernst and botanical artist Maud Purdy. 


In Literacy this week, children have begun to start a setting description about the stone age.  This links with our history work as children have been learning about Stone Age.


In Maths, children have continued to focus on place value this week. Year 3 children have learnt about the place value of a 3-digit number and Year 4 children explored the place value of a 4-digit number. Children have used pictorial representations to order and compare differing numbers.


In Science this week, children have learnt about magnetic and non-magnetic materials and can identify what are magnetic and non-magnetic materials. 


In PE this week, children have continued to explore different components of fitness and the main focus of the lesson was agility. 


Well done Class 3, you have worked very hard this week!


Week 3


This week, children have continued to read the Stone Age Boy in Guided Reading. The children continued to develop their vocabulary and learnt how to infer and retrieve from a text.


In Art this week, children have learnt how to shade different shapes whilst trying to maintain the 4 main rules of shading. Class 3 then used different grades of pencil for their final picture which had different grades of shading to it.


In Literacy this week, children have explored new vocabulary and planned to write a setting description about the stone age. Class 3 will begin to write their own during week 4. 


In Maths, children have focused on place value this week. Year 3 children have learnt about the place value of a 3-digit number and Year 4 children explored the place value of a 4-digit number. Children have used pictorial representations and number lines to support their skills of ordering and comparing differing amounts. 


In Science this week, children have learnt about forces and magnets. We learnt all about friction, and how different surfaces can have an impact on the way objects move.  


In PE this week, children have explored fitness and basketball. Children have been participating in various fitness tests and learning all about the components of fitness. In basketball, children have focused on the skill of dribbling and put this into game situations.


Well done Class 3 for all of your hard work this week!

Week 2 


This week, children have continued to read the Stone Age Boy in Guided Reading. The children predicted what will happen in the book and explored new vocabulary.


In Art this week, children explored geometric shapes they could see in object/drawings. Class 3 would then draw the shapes of the objects using different grades of pencils for the correct shading.


In Literacy this week, children have explored the use of nouns, pronouns, adjectives, inverted commas, capital letters and full stops. These skills will be used next week to complete a setting description.


In Maths, children have focused on place value this week. Year 3 children have learnt about the place value of a 3-digit number and Year 4 children explored the place value of a 4-digit number. Children have also counted in 100s and 1000s when ordering and comparing numbers on a number line.


In Science this week, children have learnt about forces and magnets. Within this unit, children have studied the forces of pull and push. Children have considered every day tasks in which these forces are used, such as opening a door, pulling a zip and pushing a swing.


Well done Class 3 for all of your hard work this week!

Week 1


Well done class 3 what an amazing start you have all made to the new school year. This week we have been developing our dribbling skills in basketball by learning how to use the correct technique when bouncing the ball. 


In literacy we have begun reading a new book called ' The Stone Age Boy' which is all about life in the Stone Age and this book links to our history topic (The Stone Age to Iron Age) 

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.