
St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

Home Page

St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

Class 1

Class 1 


Welcome to Class 1's website page! On here we post what Class 1 has been up to during the week. We post photographs of Class 1's learning. Check in weekly to see what your child has been learning! 


Below is some information for parents and carers. There have been a few changes to our routine so please read below to check that you are up to date. 

Book Bags

Please ensure that your child brings their book bag to school everyday. Your child will often create sticky pictures, drawings and paintings to take home. They will put their creations in their book bags to make it easier for them to carry their things out. 


When letters are sent out children will put their letters in their book bags. Please make sure you check your child's book bag for letters. If slips need to be returned for trips or anything else, please pass these on to Miss Olive or Mrs Cowling who will be available in a morning or after school. 



Homework has changed in Spring 2. Homework is due in on Wednesdays and will be sent out on Fridays


Library Books

Class 1 have a library book system set up in our outdoor area. There are lots of books available for you to choose with your children to take home and read. Please sign the book out in the record book and return when you have finished with the book. 


Weather and Clothing 

Please ensure that your child brings appropriate clothing to school. During winter and rainy days we will still access our outdoor area. You are welcome to provide your child with a pair of wellies to keep on their peg in school. 


PE Kit 

Our PE day is Wednesdays. Please remember to remove earrings. Children with earrings in will not be permitted to do PE.

Water Bottles

Your child is welcome to bring a water bottle to school. There is a water bottle box next to the sink and your child will know where to put it. 



Our new and final topic for this academic year is 'Enchanted Woodland'. We will be learning about the woods and who lives in there! This means that we will be doing lots of outdoor learning and children are welcome to bring their wellies to school to change into them when needed. 


Thank you for your continued support! 



One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.