
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Summer 1

Week 7


We have made it!


 In Guided Reading this week, we have read chapters 24 to 28 of The Boy Who Grew Dragons. The children have summarised what they have read in this book and made their very own set of instructions about how to keep a dragon, inspired by the book.


In Literacy this week, we have finished creating our very own books inspired by How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth. The children recorded themselves reading the book, ready to share with children in lower school in the future. We have also explored poetry this week and rhyming couplets.


 In Maths this week, we have focused on developing our understanding of time. We have learnt about AM and PM, minutes and hours, telling to and past times on analogue and digital clocks.


In Art, we have emulated the work of Hundertwasser and Hockney, recreating our very own planned piece of Art inspired by the work of our focus artists. The children have shown a thorough understanding of artists work and expressed their creativity and imagination within their work.


In Science this week, we have explored the water cycle and a plant’s life cycle. The children have used prior learning to support their understanding and practiced using new scientific language well.  


In PE, Class 3 have developed their tag rugby skills further this week and worked in teams to practice movement and passing. We have worked hard to develop our skills weekly and have shown great perseverance and determination.


Well done Class 3 for your fantastic efforts this half term, have a lovely half term and stay safe!



Week 6



 In Guided Reading this week, we have read chapters 22 to 25 of ‘The Boy Who Grew Dragons'. The children extended their inference skills, discussing the meaning of key words and phrases before responding to assessment style questions. The focus of inference has furthered children’s comprehension and fluency when reading a text.


In Literacy this week, we have continued to recreate our very own versions of How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth. The children have worked hard to create illustrations and design a book cover to suit their target audience. We can’t wait to see the end result of all our hard work next week!


 In Maths this week, we have focused on area and perimeter. The children have explored shapes with squares and working with given lengths to work out perimeter, using prior learning of addition to support this.


In Art, we have emulated the work of Hundertwasser and studied his amazing architecture. Next week, we are going to recreate our very own school building in the style of Hundertwasser’s work.


In Science this week, we have explored water transportation in plants and developed further understanding of the water cycle, focusing on the importance of evaporation. The children used pictures to support their understanding and used scientific language well.



Well done Class 3 for your fantastic efforts this week, have a lovely weekend and stay safe!

Week 5


Class 3 have had a fantastic week and shown an improvement in motivation and enthusiasm, well done.


 In Guided Reading this week, we have been reading ‘The Boy Who Grew Dragons’. This week, our focus has been explaining our understanding with further depth within our question responses.


In Literacy this week, we have revisited our focus book How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth. We have identified key features within instruction writing and planned our very own recreation of the book, some children changed the character to develop their very own book ‘How to Wash a Very Lazy Sloth’, while others explored the terrifying teeth of dinosaurs when writing ‘How to Wash a Crazy Dinosaur’.


 In Maths this week, we have continued to explore length. This week, we have focussed on adding and subtracting lengths, revisiting our skills of column addition and subtraction to support our learning. We have also worked hard to explored perimeter and area.


In Art, we have learnt about colour mixing, looking at tones, tints and shades within paint. Class 3 have also explored colours that contrast and POP when side by side.


For Mental Health Awareness week, Class 3 created our very own worry monsters and encouraged children to talk about any worries or concerns that they have and how to best overcome these challenges. We also introduced the ‘happy jar’ into the classroom, holding many kind notes and messages for children to take when they need a boost of happiness.


Well done Class 3, stay safe and have a wonderful weekend!



Week 4



In Guided Reading this week, we have continued reading a ‘The Boy Who Grew Dragons’. This week, Class 3 have worked hard to infer meaning from a text and summarise our answers.


In Literacy this week, we have completed a research task about the woolly mammoth, linking well with our book’s main character in How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth. The children have identified exciting enquiry questions to include within their non-chronological report and started creating a double page spread.


 In Maths this week, we have been exploring measure. The children have been using rulers to recognise the length of objects in mm and cm. We have also learnt about equivalent measures, for example 100cm is equal to 1m.


In Science this week, we have dissected plants to research and label the parts of a plant such as the stamen, stigma, ovary and filament.


In ICT, we have used Purple Mash to investigate simulations. The children learnt what a simulation is and understand that a simulation may be used when a real-life situation is too dangerous.


In Art, we have emulated one of David Hockney’s landscape creations and made it our very own. The children tried really hard to think about perspective during Art and identified key elements of line, shape and colour.


Well done Class 3, stay safe and have a wonderful weekend!

Week 3



In Guided Reading this week, we have continued reading a ‘The Boy Who Grew Dragons’. The children have worked hard to share their comprehension and understanding of a text, inferring the meaning of differing quotes.


In Literacy, the children have continued reading How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth. This week, we have completed our very own set of instructions, followed by identifying and recognising the key features for our next piece of writing, a non-chronological report.


 In Maths this week, we have been looking at tenths and hundredths as fractions and decimals. We have really focused on using our place value charts this week to support our understanding.


In Science this week, we have observed and recorded the outcomes of our investigation launched last week. We found out what plants need to grow and what happens if you take light, heat or water away.


In ICT, we have used Purple Mash to complete and create our very own databases, the children really enjoyed this lesson and shared a good understanding.


In Art, we have focused on the differing elements within Hockney’s and Hundertwasser’s work, followed by completing an emulation of a piece of art, which we will complete next week.


Good work Class 3, have a great weekend and stay safe!

Week 2



In Guided Reading this week, we have continued reading a ‘The Boy Who Grew Dragons’. The children have worked hard to retrieve key information from the text.


In Literacy, the children have continued reading How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth. This week, we have focused on the importance of time connectives, adverbs and imperative verbs within our instructions, before drafting our very own set to follow.


 In Maths this week, we have been looking at short division, dividing 2- and 3- digit numbers by a 1- digit number. We have worked hard this week to recap and master the bus stop method.


In Science this week, we have continued with our focus of plants. We have researched what plants need to grow and launched our very own cress investigation, growing plants in differing conditions to see which one grows the most.


In ICT, we have used Purple Mash to familiarise ourselves with databases using yes or no questions. The children then made their very own database using fruit, vegetables or instruments. Well done!


In Art, we continued to study our artist focuses, David Hockney and Hundertwasser. This week, we analysed famous landscape paintings and compared their work, identifying similarities and differences.


Well done Class 3, have a lovely weekend and stay safe!

Week 1



Great effort on our first week back Class 3, well done!


In Guided Reading this week, we have started reading a new book ‘The Boy Who Grew Dragons’. The children have extended their reading further during morning sessions and shared their understanding through varying comprehension tasks.


In Literacy, the children have been studying our new book How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth. This week, we have completed a comprehension task to share our understanding of the story, we have identified new vocabulary and created illustrations to retell the story, focusing on the use of verbs, time connectives and adverbs.


 In Maths, Class 3 have been looking at multiplication and division, focusing particularly on the multiplication and division of 2- and 3- digit numbers.


In Science this week, we have launched our new topic of plants. The children completed a KWL task, identifying what they already know about plants and considering what they would like to know. We also labelled parts of a plant and discussed their functions.


In PSHE this week, we thought about the importance of farming and fair farming. The children compared food supplies and where they came from, discussing whether they would prefer an egg from a caged animal or free range.


In Art, we discussed our new artist focuses, David Hockney and Hundertwasser. We evaluated their art work, discussing likes, dislikes and why artists may have decided to represent landscapes in this way.


Well done Class 3, what a fantastic start to the term!

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.