Dear Visitors,
We'd like to warmly welcome you to our Class 2 Page.
On this page, you will find information and photographs about lots of different activities we will be doing this school year and, you will see us flourish as learners and individuals during our time at St Helen's School.
Our Autumn Term topic is...
The Great Fire of London and the Plague
Our Spring Term topic is...
United Kingdom: Coastal Towns and Cities
Our Summer Term topic is...
Portraits: Colour and Emotion
Focus Artists: Pablo Picasso and Sandra Silberzweig
Scroll down to see Class 2 reminders and take a look at Spring 1 below to
see our recent classwork.
We have lots to learn and enjoy this term and we will look forward to updating you on our school work very soon!
Miss Garratt (Class Teacher) and Miss Wright (Teaching Assistant)
Class 2 Reminders
Homework will be sent home every Wednesday and should be completed by the following Monday.
We will start our school year with homework tasks set on Purple Mash.
Update: Spring 1
Year 2 Common Exception word spellings will be given out in Class 2 on Friday. The spelling check will be the following Friday.
Please make sure you bring your school bag everyday with your reading book, reading journal and spelling journal. Also, please bring a water bottle to stay hydrated!
Reading in Class 2
In Class 2, we work as a whole class in our guided reading sessions to solve VIPERS (vocabulary, inference, prediction, explanation, retrieval, and sequencing questions) on our class text.
Reading books will be changed every week when the children have read with a member of staff also, when they have finished their book and would like to choose another, additionally, if they are not enjoying their book.
All of the children in class are assessed and we match our reading books with their reading ability. If we feel they have progressed before our next assessment we will move them on to continue their progress.
Please make sure you read daily at home!
If you read three times a week and it is written in your reading journal, you will get 10 credits on our reward chart.
Our PE Lessons
Update: Spring 1
PE sessions will be on Monday PM (Active Fusion with Mr Johnson) and on Friday AM (Dance - Ellie Street)
Please bring your PE kit into school on Monday and leave until our final session on Friday when it should go home to be washed.