
St Helen's Catholic Primary School

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St Helen’s Catholic Primary School

Summer Term 2

Week 5

Our Class 2 Contestants in St Helen's Got Talent!

A small group of the talented children who make up Class 2 got the opportunity to take part in St Helen's Got Talent today. They sang, danced and performed graceful gymnastics. 


The children in Class 2 that took part and all others from our school should be so proud of their hard work and bravery.


Well done to them and to all the other children in Class 2 who have shared their own talents in class.

Releasing Class 1's Butterflies

Class 1 kindly invited Class 2 to release their butterflies into their new habitat this week and we had a lovely time together discussing their appearance, where they might live and making other predictions. 


Thank you to Class 1 for letting us take part in this special activity with you!

Week 4

Thank you to all parents, family and friends that came to our Class Parent's Assembly this Thursday.


Class 2 worked hard to remember everything we have done this term, particularly the exciting bits, and they learnt their lines for our assembly so they sounded perfect.


Lots of children showed their beautiful artwork as well as everyone showing how brilliant we are at singing, dancing and taekwondo!


Well done on all of your hard work and a brilliant assembly Class 2 smiley

Week 3

St Helen's Sports Day on the field

This Thursday, Class 2 took part in our Key Stage 1 Sports Day on our school field and the children showed excellent sportsmanship. Everyone was well-behaved, had lots of fun and tried their best in a variety of activities.


Well done Class 2!

Week 2

​​​​​​On Friday 21st June Class 2 took part in sports day at the EIS with St Helen's, St Michael's and Sacred Heart from our Corpus Christi Federation.


Class 2 behaved beautifully and took part in all of the activities like brilliant future athletes. 


Well done on your hard work Class 2!

Week 1

This week, Class 2 had a wonderful time on our Parent's Afternoon for our new topic Wriggle and Crawl.


We created 'Bug Hotels', mini-beasts and drew excellent designs of the mini-beast habitats we created. 


Thank you to all of the parents and family of Class 2 that came along and made our afternoon such a success and well done to everyone in Class 2 for working so hard and creating excellent 'Bug Hotels'.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.