
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Spring Term 2

Week 6


This week Class 4 have looked at the celebrations of holy week, discussing the story of Jesus from Palm Sunday through to Easter Sunday.  We have watched assemblies on the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, the Last Supper (Maundy Thursday) as well as completing the pilgrimage of the Stations of the Cross led by Year 6.  Well done to everyone this half term for all your hard work.

Week 5


Following with our 'Prince' strand of the Peasants, Princes and Pestilence topic, during Literacy we have learnt more about King Odysseus and his travels.  We have so far encountered Cyclops Island and have now made our way to the floating island of King Aeolus (the mad king).  As part of this, we are writing a diary extract to recount the adventures so far, including the feud between Zeus and Poseidon as well as the magical 'sack of wind' that hopes to bring the lost voyagers home.

Week 4


Thank you to all the grown-ups who were able to attend our Class 4 assembly, the children have worked really hard this year and loved sharing their knowledge about the Black Death as well as all the work they have done around it.

Class Assembly

Week 3


Assessment week and a postponed World Book Day, thank you to all the grown ups who worked so hard to make this day special for their children in their amazing World Book Day outfits.

Week 2


This week saw us with adverse weather conditions, resulting in two snow days.  However before this the children began studying The Adventures of Odysseus, they particularly enjoyed the story of Hermes and Prince Paris which led to the war at Troy.

Class 4 edited Hollaback song

Week 1

This week Class 4 finished their edited version of the black plague song to the tune of Hallaback by Gwen Stefani.  We hope to sing this at the class assembly.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.