Week 4
Some brilliant work created this week around Jacques Cousteau and his amazing achievements as an under water archaeologist and adventurer who pioneered the world of Scuba diving.
Great work Class 4!
Week 3
Wow, what a fabulous week! The children have had a brilliant time investigating the relationship between fractions and decimals using 100 squares and threading beads. They have also continued developing their skills in PE with Mr Johnson. The children focused on team work as well as ball control and weaving around cones. Finally, the children in year 5 have also taken part in the first of 2 sessions on first aid. The children shared their current understanding of how to react in different situations before learning how to properly assess a someone using DRSABC (danger, response, send for help, airway, breathing and CPR). The children were incredibly sensible and really enjoyed practicing putting each other in the recovery position.
Week 2
What a week! Class 4 have worked incredibly hard to develop there figurative language and write poems using different figurative techniques about the ocean. We have also continued our mathematical journey of adding and subtracting fractions with different denominators and using our times tables knowledge to find the smallest common denominator. Following this we have begun multiplying fractions and hope to move onto decimals and percentages soon.
Finally, a huge thank you to everyone who has supported the children in creating fabulous costumes for World Book Day! They were so excited and couldn't wait to show off their outfits and books. We had Joe from Little Women, Awful Aunty from the Awful Aunty Book, Bella Swan from Twilight, footballers, Matilda and Sophie from Roald Dahl as well as Mary Poppins, Dorothy, Eleven, Harry Potter characters, the Diary of a Wimpy Kid, as well as various animals and Coby Bryant.
Week 1
A brilliant start to the new half term, the year 4 children had their first school swimming lesson and demonstrated how sensible and mature they could be around the pool side. Meanwhile, in PE, all the children had their first hockey lesson with Mr Johnson in which they learnt how to hold the stick, how to dribble and control a ball using the equipment.
During guided reading, as part of our new topic, children have begun studying the book Flotsam by David Wiesner. As part of this they studied the terms Flotsam and Jetsam, studied some 'flotsam' using inspiration trays and began to write back stories of who the flotsam items could belong to.
Finally, in literacy, the children were introduced to 'reverse poetry' and have written their own reverse poems that we hope to film and put on the website next week.