Class 5 have had very special visitors in school this week. Gareth and Zoe from the Dearne FM breakfast show came to class to present us with their class of the week certificate. The children were very excited and gave very impressive soundbites and interviews for the radio. They also asked some fantastic questions on becoming a radio presenter and how radio works.
Listen to Dearne FM on the first week back after half term 5th-9th of November at 8:20 to hear our new radio stars. I will open the classroom doors during the week for any pupils to come into school and listen also.
Week 7
This week we were very lucky to have a school trip. We visited the Yorkshire Wildlife Park to look at the different animals and the adaptations that may have occurred as part of our 'Darwin's Delight' topic.
We seen many animals and noticed lots of adaptations as well as taking part in a fantastic workshop looking at the evolution of animals from their dinosaur ancestors and the adaptations in modern day animals.
Week 6
This Friday we celebrated British Values day in school. Each class explored a different area of British values with ours being respect and tolerance for other faiths and cultures.
We used this as an opportunity to explore some of the major world religions: Hinduism, Sikhism, Islam and Judaism.
Each table researched a different world religion and then taught others in the class the major beliefs and practices in that religion.
Week 5
Class 5 have continued their music lessons this week. We have been looking at Glockenspiels and the notes A, G and F. We have confidently begun to find the pulse in a song and have attempted as a class to play I'll be there on the Glockenspiels.
Week 4
Class 5 have begun their music lessons this week. We are beginning to study the song I'll be there by the Jackson 5. We spent this week trying to find the rhythm and beat in the song. We used glockenspiels to play the beat as well as in the video below using ourselves to follow the beat.
Week 3
Class 5 have been hard at work all week in Maths. At the beginning of the week we did not have the best of confidence with our long multiplication.
After a week of working hard we are all now confidently able to multiply 2 by 2 digits as well as edit and improve any mistakes we have made confidently.
Week 2
This has been a very hard first full week back for class 5. We have had our first experience and attempt at a SAT's paper. Completing last years tests. I am so pleased a proud of the effort everyone in the class has shown this week and now we have a full year ahead of us to prepare for our own SATs.
We also looked at the difference between qualities and talents in RE. We discussed our own qualities and talents and looked at others in the class. We had a good debate on if you could learn a new quality or you could learn a new talent or do we have the ability to be or do anything we want from birth.
Week 1
Class 5 have had a fantastic start so far to our Year. We have been exploring the life of Charles Darwin for our new topic.
We have created timelines showing his life story as well as been mapping and plotting the 5 year story Darwin took aboard The Beagle.