
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Summer Term 1

Week 4

We have started our week exploring stained glass windows.  We watched a video showing all different types of stained glass windows and then we began to make our own using card and coloured cellophane.  It is lots of fun.

Stained glass windows

As part of our work around British Values each day we vote for the story we'd like to hear. Today Mrs Blakemore didn't give out all of our counters so some of us couldn't vote. We talked about how this definitely wasn't fair and agreed that we all have a right to a voice and should therefore all get to vote.  Luckily, Mrs Blakemore agreed and we all got our counters and were able to vote.  We enjoyed listening to the Peppa Pig story whilst eating our snack.

In our Come and See topic we have been sharing our good news and the good news within the Bible.  We discussed hat although we can't see God we can feel his love and follow his guidance.  We listened to 'flight of the bumble bee' and thought about how God is like the wind, you can't see him but we know he is there.  To celebrate we each made a pinwheel to blow in the wind.

Making a pinwheel

Week 3


This week we enjoyed our PE sessions with Mr Johnson outside in the sunshine.  It was lots of fun.  We practised lots of different team games and challenges that help to develop our balancing and coordination skills, as well as our throwing skills.  Throughout the session we became more cooperative within our teams and developed our communication skills. 

With the sun finally shining we have been able to get outside and explore shadows in more detail.  We have learnt how shadows are made and experimented with changing the shape of our own shadows.  We had fun drawing around our shadows and we even used the shadows of the animal figures to create some wonderful drawings.


Shadow fun

Week 2

In our Come and See topic we have continued to celebrate 'Good News'. This week we started by creating our own dance to the song "celebrate good times". We expressed ourselves freely before sitting down to share our own good news with each other.  We had lots to celebrate and be thankful for.  

Let's celebrate!

Week 1


Welcome back after the Easter break everyone and a huge welcome to our new children who started in Nursery on Monday.


This week we have started our new topic "What is a shadow?".  We watched some videos all about shadows and then we had to go exploring to see if we could find a shadow.  We even had a go at making our own shadow shapes, which was lots of fun.


In our classroom we have a dark den and we have been exploring light and how we can change the colour of it using coloured paddles.  It has been lots of fun.  We found out that we can make new colours by putting different coloured paddles together like red and blue to make purple and blue and yellow to make green.



What is a shadow?

We have listened to the story of the Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. We went on a hunt to find our own caterpillars in the woodland but unfortunately we couldn't find any.  Instead we painted our own caterpillars.  We explored symmetry by painting half of a butterfly and folding it over to print the other side.  We thought it was amazing to see how the colours mixed and changed our paintings.

Artwork inspired by The Very Hungry Caterpillar

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.