
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Autumn 2

Week 6 - 9th December 2024

In guided reading we have read a text based on the Liverpool docks during the Victorian era. The text explained what happened during a typical day at the docks. We highlighted the information in the text that gave us the setting description. 

In science we continued our work on light. We looked at the parts of the eye, and how our eyes and brain work together to help us to see objects. 

In RE we learnt about the feast of Annunciation when the angel Gabriel announced that Mary would give birth to Jesus Christ. The event is remembered by a prayer called 'the Angelus'. Angelus means angel. Traditionally, the prayer is said at six in the morning, at midday and at six in the evening. It helps people to remember the presence of God in their lives. 

We finished the week by performing our Christmas concert for parents and relatives. We told the story of the very first Christmas when Jesus was born through readings and songs. 


Week 5 - 2nd December 2024

As part of our Advent celebrations, we made Christingles to remember the birth of Jesus Christ and the light of the world. Each part of the Christingle is symbolic of different things. The orange represents the world, the ribbon represents the love and blood of Christ, the sweets/dried fruit represent God's creation, and the candle represents Jesus as the light of the world. 

In design and technology we finished our playground designs. We researched what features make a good playground that is appealing for children to use. 

Parents were invited to join us for our design and technology lesson. We enjoyed building some of the playground structures that we had included in our playground designs. 

Here's some of the playground structures that we made. We're going to continue working on them next week to finish our designs. 

Week 4 - 25th November 2024

In literacy we have have completed our final versions of our non-chronological reports on the forgotten heroes from World War II. We researched and wrote about individuals who made extraordinary contributions but didn't receive much recognition. 

Vicky, from Compass Be, led a Healthy Peer Workshop for Class 5 today. We talked about the importance of healthy friendships and how they support positive mental health and well-being. We created our own ‘friendship soups’ using ingredients that we think all go together to make a good friend.

We all thought of one thing that we can do to show kindness to someone else this week. 

In his week's Picture News we have been thinking about how our actions influence the world that we live in. We talked about what we can do to help protect God’s world for us and for future generations.

Week 3 - 18th November 2024

In design and technology we have researched playground equipment and considered what makes a good playground that is appealing to children. We have designed our own playgrounds that feature a variety of different structures. 

In science we have been looking at light sources and how light travels. Light travels in a straight line, it doesn't bend or curve at all. However, we found out that light can change direction when it passes through different materials. 

In RE we have continued our work on the Jewish religion of Judaism.  Yom Kippur is a Jewish holiday and Jews consider it to be the holiest day of the year. In the days leading up to Yom Kippur, Jews ask for forgiveness for anything that they have done wrong in the past year. 



Week 2 - 11th November 2024

In literacy we have continued planning our own non chronological reports to write. We have looked at specific vocabulary that will be useful to incorporate in our finished reports. 

We have looked at our digital footprint in ICT and how we can develop a positive online reputation and how important it is. A digital footprint is a record of your online activity, including the information that you share. 

On Monday we joined our remembrance day assembly. We remembered the people who fought in the world wars what they gave up for us today. We observed a two minute silence as part of the assembly which gave us time to be still and reflect. 

We enjoyed a visit to Crucial Crew at Hellaby on Tuesday. We took part in a range of different scenarios that could take place at home or out in the community and we discussed how to stay safe. 

Week 1 - 4th November 2024

This week in literacy we have been looking at the features of non-chronological reports. We have looked at a variety of reports and identified common features, including subheading, formal language and technical vocabulary. We will be using the information to write our own non-chronological reports next week.  



This week in art we created our own zentangles and used them to print. We drew our zentangles on a polystyrene tile and put ink on, before applying pressure to create the image. We rotated the tile to create a pattern. 

In Picture News we talked about the presidential election in the United States. Both Donald Trump and Kamala Harris stood for election. The vote was followed closely by people all over the world and Donald Trump was granted victory. He will serve in the White House for four years. 

We talked about leaders and what we think makes a good leader and what qualities they often have. We decided that it is important that leaders care about and think about others. 

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.