Week 8
W.B 19.10.2020
What an incredible half term we have had! I am so proud of Class 1 children's resilience in the face of many uncertainties. The year 1 children displayed such an amazing level of maturity and helped the new Reception children settle in well. I hope all the adults are proud of their children, who came into school this half term, not knowing how things would look like, but came in determined to learn and do their best. We hope for better days next half term and I would like to wish everyone a lovely half term break.
Week 7
W.B 12.10.2020
This week in Science, we were investigating the properties of different materials. Our inquiry question was “ What makes the loudest sound?”
We made shakers filling them up with different materials, we then played them and ordered them from the quietest to the loudest .
We also made some shaker style to take home!
In ICT, we used Purple Mash app and created our avatars. We also had a go at creating and saving our work online.
In Literacy we were reciting nursery rhymes and sequencing pictures from that rhyme. Our rhyme this week was “I’m a little teapot”
Have a look at pictures of some of the work we have been doing.
Week 6
W.B 5.10.2020
This week in Maths we were sorting and counting objects.
In P.E, we were learning Fundamental skills and in Topic we looked at our school day and discussed our daily routines. We also enjoyed exploring our environment during Golden time.
Week 5
W.B 28.09.2020
This week in Maths we continued to practise counting objects. We played some Maths games on the interactive whiteboard and counted different objects in our environment.
Week 3
W.B 14.09.2020
This week we were learning about what makes us unique and special.
We had a go at mixing some paints and painted our own portraits.
Week 2
W.B 7.9.2020
This week we welcomed the Reception children into our class!🤗
We practised washing our hands and took part in different activities based on the book ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar ’.Our year 1 children have enjoyed the responsibly of looking after the new children.
Week 1
This week we welcomed the Year 1’s back through our doors. We were so excited to see each other again and though things look a bit different in our classroom and around our school, the children took it all in a stride and enjoyed their first day back. We are so thankful everyone is okay and we are looking forward to making more happy memories.