Week 5 (WC 4.12.23)
On Monday we made 'Christingle Oranges', we learnt about what each part of the orange represents.
Each element of a Christingle has a special meaning and helps to tell a story:
Week 4 (WC 27.11.23)
This week in PE we have been creating dance movements to move like machines. We created actions to move with a partner that recreated the movements of cogs and pistons in a factory. In reading we have begun reading a new book called 'Amazing Grace' which follows the dreams of a young girl who wants to achieve great things.
Week 3 (WC 20.11.23)
This week in science, we are continuing with learning all about light and dark. We learnt that light travels in a straight line until it is reflected off an object. We used our knowledge to do an experiment to see how easy or hard it was to see objects in different lighting conditions.
Week 2 (WC 13.11.23)
Week 1 (WC 6.11.23)
Welcome back everyone, what a great start you have all made. This week we have begun reading the book ‘Malala’s Magic Pencil’, which is a true story of a girls wish for a better world. The class have been thinking about what they would do if they had a magic pencil. In music we are focusing on learning a few songs this week, the children have done very well keeping in time and reading the musical notes. Well done class 3!