
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Summer Term 2

Week 6

Our final week in Class 1 together has been extremely busy as we have had our 3 transition days. It has been lots of fun and I have been so proud of each and every one of our children. 

 I would like to say what a wonderful year we have had in Class 1 and the children have grown up so much and made lots of fantastic progress whilst making many happy memories together. Have a super summer😎

Week 5

This week we have been learning all about the parable of The Good Samaritan. We all talked about how we can be a good neighbour to everyone. It was our class liturgy in church where we acted out the story, said prayers and sang together. Thank you for coming and sharing this special time with us. 

Week 4

Mr Johnson has been teaching us lots of skills in preparation for our school sports day next week.

In literacy we have been doing the story of "The Gingerbread Man". We read the story and acted it out trying to remember the order in which the characters appeared in the story which was quite a challenge! We even had gingerbread scented playdough to make our very own gingerbread families. 


Week 3

On Monday it was our annual Federation Sports day at The English Institute of Sport (EIS) in Sheffield. It was a very busy day and the children got to take part in so many different sporting activities. They were all amazing and I was so proud of them all.

The activities were:




Long Jump





Parachute games

High Jump




Week 2

What an amazing day we had at Cusworth Hall Museum and park! We loved the workshop and found out so much about what the seaside was like 100 years ago. We all did our own Punch and Judy shows and some children got to dress up in the clothes that would have been worn to go to the seaside 100 years ago. We had the best picnic ever in the glorious sunshine and our Class 1 picnic blanket looked amazing. After lunch we rolled down the enormous hill and managed to get back up to the top! Before it was time to go home we just had time to play on the big field with the parachute. It was a brilliant school trip and lots of happy memories were madeheart

Week 1

Welcome back to our final half term of his school year- wow how it's flown! We are thinking about our topic - "What can you see in summer?" In literacy we have been reading and learning poems all about different types of weather and the four seasons. In maths we are doing money. Our maths lessons were great fun as we had a sweet shop to learn all about adding different amounts to find the totals. We are looking forward to our trip to Cusworth Hall Museum and park. Fingers crossed for sunshine 🌞

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.