
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Summer 1

Week 4

We survived! Our year 2 children have worked exceptionally hard in this week, they have shown courage, determination, resilience and team spirit. We are so very proud of you all. A big, big thank to all the year 1 children in class 2 who have supported the other children and been super flexible during a very tough week. We really have proved that class 2 are 'Team Awesome!'.


On Friday afternoon we celebrated the end of our SATS week with a huge party that we all enjoyed together. The children wrote letters to Mr. Thorpe asking him for permission to party and our powers of persuasion worked. Thank you to the parents who sent in sweet treats and crisps for the children to share.


Next week will begin our new topic, 'Beachcombers'. We will begin our learning with one of Mrs. Low's favourite books, Katie Morag.

Week 3

This week in Class 2 we have been trying really hard to answer lots of questions about all the different mathematical operations and how we can work out word problems to help us with our Special Agent Training week next week. We have reminded ourselves about all the tricky words we have learnt in our GPS lessons and practised the different sentence types, tenses and punctuation marks. Class 2 are becoming experts in Kung Fu punctuation moves!


In Art this week we have thought about the London Skyline and tried to recreate this using pencil drawings and Charcoal. This proved very enjoyable but extremely messy! The children looked like they had been training in how to be chimney sweeps by the end of the lesson. We had so much fun.


Week 2


This week has been another very busy week in Class 2, we have been working hard on making sure we know all about inverse and commutativity in maths and wrote instructions for making a bowl of cereal and a slice of toast in writing lessons.


In R.E  we have been learning about the Ascension of Jesus into Heaven. To help us understand this we read about the Ascension story and looked at some pictures. We then made some Ascension cups that helped us to demonstrate our understanding of the journey Jesus made. Take a look at our photographs to see how we made them.

Week 1


Class 2 have had a lovely week following our rest in the Easter holidays and we are all set for the busy term ahead.


This week we continued our learning about London and have helped Paddington to prepare some sandwiches for his day trip around the capital city. To assist Paddington further we have used our writing skills to produce a set of instructions that Paddington can use to help him to make his own marmalade sandwiches in future. We thought very carefully about time conjunctions, adverbs of manner and adjectives to describe and create interest for the reader.


In Maths, the children in year 2 have been working hard on column addition and subtraction followed by finding the correct information needed to help us to identify calculations within word problems. The year 1 children have been practising their knowledge of numbers and the number system to investigate, doubling and halving, magic squares and missing number problems.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in an ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.