
St Helen's Catholic Primary School

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St Helen’s Catholic Primary School


The virtue to live by in June is Honesty.

The Feast of Corpus Christi led by our Faith in Action children and Year 6.

Class 4's worship  14th and 20th May

The worship leaders chose the theme of the RE lesson today: Love one another as you love yourself and Kindness.

Class 4 child led worship  7th May

The leaders today chose the theme of Mary. 

Virtue to live by in May is Kindness

Pentecost in school

Class 4 enjoyed a lesson learning about what St. Paul tells us about the Fruits of the Spirit in Corinthians. They used drama to show how the gifts of the spirit impact and transform daily lives.

Child led worship

Class 4 joined in worship about the "fruits" or gifts of the Holy Spirit. 

April's virtue to live by:

Maundy Thursday - the Last Supper

Fantastic acting and singing from Class 4 as they told the story of The Last Supper.


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Spy Wednesday

What a wonderful performance from Class 3 of the betrayal of Jesus by Judas Iscariot, fantastic singing and acting, well done! 


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Spy Wednesday

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Holy Week Liturgical Prayer 2024

Classes 1 and 2 did a superb job in leading the school and their parents in the Palm Sunday Liturgical Prayer and drama. 

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Virtue to Live by 4.03.24 - 28.03.24


Virtue to Live by 12th Feb - 3rd March


Virtue to Live by : Jan 29th - Feb 11th


Virtue to Live by : Jan 8th - 28th


Class 2 Collective Worship 12.01.26

Reverse Advent Calendar

This Advent, Class 4 did a reverse advent calendar and instead of receiving a chocolate gift each day, we donated some food for a local food bank. what a fantastic contribution!!

Christingle 2023

Today the children all made their own christingle and Faith in Action children and Y6 led the service in the hall.

It was aglow with the spirit and love of Christmas. 

Virtue to Live by Dec 11th 


Advent Wreath Making and Blessing 

Our Faith in Action children led groups of Y6 pupils in  making the Advent wreaths for the classes. Fr. Declan blessed the wreaths in a service held in the school hall.

At the end of each day the wreaths will be lit in the classrooms and the children will sing the Advent Candle song.

Children in Need Day

Many years ago, our school received a large sum from Children In Need to develop our school field from waste land into the fabulous area it is today. It has been tradition to raise monies in return ever since.

Here is Class 3 doing their "Bearpees" to reach 1000 over the week.

Virtues to live by 

The virtue, "Hope" will run from 13.11.23 - 8.12.23


Virtue certificates for "Hope" go to these fantastic children:

Remembrance Assembly

Faith in Action children were joined by the rest of year 6 in delivering a Remembrance Assembly to the whole school. They did a wonderful job.

Harvest Assembly

Thank you to everyone who donated for our Harvest gift to the St. Wilfred's Centre in Sheffield - a lot of people will enjoy quite a few hot meals thanks to you!

Our Faith in Action volunteers led the assembly. The singing was brilliant too. Well done to everyone.

October devotion to Mary, Our Lady

Class 4 pupils have been taking the Travelling Mary prayer bag home home during October and November. They have recorded some lovely thoughts and prayers in the accompanying book. Thank you to all the families who support our school family in prayer.

Virtues to live by 

The virtue, "Thankfulness" will run from 9.10.23 - 10.11.23

Virtuous awards for "Thankfulness" go to these fantastic children:

Virtues to live by 

The virtue, "Respect and courtesy" will run from the beginning of term until 6.10.23.

Golden book children for living the Virtue.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.