
St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

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St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

Autumn 2

Week 6 


In Literacy this week, class 3 have been learning about similes, metaphors and expanded noun phrases and how these can be used to drescribe a setting based on a picture book called Flotsam by David Wiesner. 


In Maths, class 3 have been learning all about area, and how they can find the area of a 2-D shape. The children were able to show which shape had the greater area by counting the squares inside the 2-D shape.


This week, children have explored a fiction text called The Flood which links to literacy because it was about describing a setting. Class 3 continued to improve on their vocabulary and fluency. However, towards the end of the week children worked on their comprehension skills by answering question about the text.


In PE this week, children have been focusing on fundamental skills. In the lesson, children had to show different balances and how this can be linked to other sports. This then made the transition to dance on Wednesday really easy for the children to understand. 


On Thursday afternoon, children learnt all about christingles and created their very own christingle.  The whole school then took part in the Christingle assembly which was lead by class 3. 


Week 5


In Literacy this week, class 3 have been introduced to a setting description based on a picture book called Flotsam by David Wiesner. Class 3 have identified features of a setting description and come up with word banks to help them write a setting description. 


In Maths, class 3 have been focusing on multiplication and division. Next week we will be focusing on the area of shapes.


This week, children have explored a non-fiction text called The Congo Basin. Class 3 continued to improve on their vocabulary and fluency. However, towards the end of the week children worked on their comprehension skills by answering question about the text.


In PE this week, children have been focusing on fundamental skills. In the lesson, children had to show different balances and how this can be linked to other sports. This then made the transition to dance on Wednesday really easy for the children to understand. 


On Wednesday, the whole of the school took part in The Elf Run. 




Week 4


It has been assessment week for key stage 1 and 2 this week.


In Geography, class 3 learnt about the continents and oceans of the world. The children were able to name all the continents and oceans and identify them on a map.


In PE, class 3 were focusing on jumping and balancing and how this can be used in various sports. Class 3 played a game called river bank; this is where children had to jump over a skipping rope. If the teacher said river, the children had to jump forwards over the skipping rope and if the teacher said bank they had to jump backwards, whoever did not follow the teacher they would be out.


In Design and Technology, children have been designing a timer to use for a mindful moment. Class 3 went on Ipads and used CAD to develop and design their timers. 


Well done for all your hard work this week! Enjoy your Weekend. 

Design & Technology

Week 3


In Literacy this week, children have been writing their non-chronological about the countries of Europe. 


In Maths, children have been working on their multiplications and divisions. Children were able to recall 3's, 6's and 9's timetables.


This week, children have explored a fiction text called Biomes of the World. Class 3 continued to improve on their vocabulary and fluency. However, towards the end of the week children worked on their comprehension skills by answering question about the text.


In RE children were introduced to the Judaism culture and learned about the bar/ at mitzvah. Class 3 created congratulations cards for people who have had there bar/ bat Mitzvah 


Next week is Assessment week. 


Well done for all your hard work this week! Enjoy your Weekend. 

Week 2


In Literacy this week, children have been researching facts about Europe and have started to write and introduction for their non-chronological report. 


In Maths, children have been introduced to multiplication and division. Children were able to recall 2's, 4's, 8's and the 10's timetables.


This week, children have explored a fiction text called Europe. Class 3 continued to improve on their vocabulary and fluency. However, towards the end of the week children worked on their comprehension skills by answering question about the text.


In PE this week, children have been focusing on fundamental skills. In the lesson, children had to show different balances and how this can be linked to other sports. This then made the transition to dance on Wednesday really easy for the children to understand. 


On Tuesday, Class 3 and there parents created a poster and a fact file on Switzerland. This was really good for the children as this has given them an insight of what the geography topic is going to be about this year.


Well done for all your hard work this week! Enjoy your Weekend. 

Week 1


In Literacy this week, children have been introduced to a non-chronological report about Europe. Throughout the week children have been indentifying features of a non-chronological report and also looking at how we can improve sentences by replacing the nouns with pronouns to aid cohesion. 


In Maths, children have been introduced to column subtraction and were able to subtract, 3 and 4 digit numbers with exchanges  .


This week, children have explored a fiction text called Mythical Creature of Europe. Class 3 continued to improve on their vocabulary and fluency. However, towards the end of the week children worked on their comprehension skills by answering question about the text.


In PE this week, children have been focusing on fundamental skills. In the lesson, children had to show different balances and how this can be linked to other sports. This then made the transition to dance on Wednesday really easy for the children to understand. 


The month of November is traditionally a time in which the Catholic community remembers those who have passed away. On the 11th of November, we especially remember those who have fought and given their lives in service to their country. On Wednesday afternoon we created  poppies out of 2 litre plastic bottles. These will then be placed at the front of the school entrance, so keep a look out for them!


Well done Class 3 for all of your hard work this week!

Class 3's Mission - Remembrance Month

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.