Week 6 wc 11th December 2023
This week we performed our nativity to the rest of the school and then to parents. All the children did brilliantly, they read their lines and sang the songs beautifully. Well done!
Week 5 - wc 4th December 2023
Things are getting really busy in Class 2! We are busy practising for our Nativity next week alongside all our usual work.
The Year 2s have been working with books by Benji Davies in literacy and in maths we have learnt how to add an subtract 2-digit numbers.
Week 4 - wc 27th November 2023
This week we have been very industrious, creating products to sell at the Christmas Fair. Our creative work has been great for developing our fine motor skills - adults as well as children!
We have made snowy light jars, Christmas Tree decorations and reindeer biscuits. We are looking forward to selling them at the Christmas Fair to raise money for school.
Week 3 - w/c 20th November 2023
Today we had a moment of complete awe and wonder and it was GREAT! In DT we have been exploring structures, considering how a structure can be made to be stable, strong and secure. We investigated which shaped base made the most stable structure. Initially, we predicted that a square based structure would be the strongest as it had the most corners. However, through carrying out our investigation we found that corners are in fact weak, and it was the circular based structure that was the strongest. We all had a go at making our own circular structures from thin card. We then tested to see if a narrow base would be stronger/weaker than a wide base. We found that wide, circular bases create the strongest, most stable structures. For the final part of our investigation we created a SUPER structure by securing all of our individual structures together. We couldn't believe our eyes when we saw that our super structure could hold the weight of our classmates!!!
Week 2 - w/c 13th November 2023
We are loving our new grammar lessons - Grammarsaurus!
We do these every day, and this week we have been learning about "being" verbs and "action" verbs.
Week 1 - w/c 6th November 2023
To kickstart our 'Other Cultures Week' we had the West End in Schools company join us to provide a Diwali themed dance workshop. We had so much fun and learnt lots about Diwali, the festival of light.