Week 7 W/B: 12.10.20
From this Wednesday, Class 2 will be completing our learning on Purple Mash as we have our homework the past few weeks.
Please use your purple mash login from your reading journal and use your home work book for any home learning you need to write on paper. You can also continue practising your timestables on Timestable Rockstars.
There will be links to videos and additional resources to help you under the dates below.
I will miss seeing you all these next two weeks Class 2 but, work hard at home and we will hopefully be back together after our school holiday to complete some learning together and in person!
Miss Garratt
Wednesday's Home Learning (14.10.20)
Maths - Subtraction to 20 OR Addition and Subtraction Facts to 20
Addition - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zwv39j6/articles/z8hyfrd
Subtraction - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zwv39j6/articles/ztpmrwx
Phonics - oo (look in and book) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9U9y5XfJEs
oo (poo at the zoo) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5s5P-iSSJsU
Guided Reading - Read Anna and the Third Leaf Chapter 4
Literacy -Coordinating conjunctions https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z6rvbdm
sequencing (think about how we have seqeuenced words to make sentences in class - look for the capital letter and full stop)
Topic - Castle captions
Thursday's Home Learning (15.10.20)
Maths - Addition and Subtraction to 20 https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zwv39j6/articles/zx3982p
Addition and Subtraction Facts to 100
Phonics - ur (nurse with a purse) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9354FVIi0nM
ow (brown cow) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJtvjxBYg7I&t=39s
Guided Reading - Chapter 4 Quiz
Literacy -
Subordinating conjunctions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=md8rhn4BDe0
Capital letters for names https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3g2gqt2TpA
Topic - Paint Project: Castles
Friday's Home Learning (16.10.20)
Maths - Addition and Subtraction Cloze
Addition and Subtraction Word Problems https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z7nm6v4
Phonics - ar (start the car) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKLYNjkR0BI
or (shut the door) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fm9PRHDJlv4
Guided Reading - Chapter 4 Missing Words
Literacy - Comparatives https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zrqqtfr/articles/zy2r6yc (learn about adjectives then compare choosing the appropriate adjective on Purple Mash)
Demarcation in sentences
Topic/physical activity - Cosmic Yoga https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArOzn2dtDdA
Week 6
W/B: 05.10.20
This Wednesday, Class 2 got the opportunity to play different musical instruments in our music session.
The children listened to a variety of music from around the world and then played along to the song Hands, Feet, Heart by Joanna Mangona - A song that celebrates South African music. They managed to keep the beat and really enjoyed our music session.
In History, we explored portraits of different English Monarchs and the children answered questions on their appearance, body language, expression and lots of other things.
In Geography, we located different royal residences around England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland.
Well done Class 2 on your hard work and another brilliant week together!
Week 5
W/B: 28.09.20
A Timeline of Significant Monarchs
On Tuesday afternoon, we learnt about English kings and queens throughout history.
The children were then given their own monarch and we ordered them on a big timeline on the playground from King Edmund Ironside to Queen Elizabeth II.
We have completed some brilliant learning this week in Class 2 and everyone has worked so hard. Well done on a fantastic week everyone!
Week 4
W/B: 21.09.20
Early this week, Class 2 completed a great multi-skills PE session in the sunshine.
We worked on our throwing and catching skills in a group game in which Miss Garratt or Miss White stood in the middle and threw a bean bag. If you caught it you stayed in the game and if not you had to sit down. If you could catch the beanbag sitting down you could stand up again!
The children then played our game in small groups and showed they have really developed their throwing and catching well!
Well done Class 2 on our fantastic week together!
Week 3
W/B: 14.09.20
This week, Class 2 completed a wonderful music session.
We learnt the signs to a song that celebrates South African Music called Hands, Feet, Heart by Joanna Mangona. Then, as a class, we created new lyrics for two more verses and we made signs for our new verses.
Class 2 performed all of the song with the signs as a class and did a fantastic job as well as having so much fun whilst we performed together!
Week 2
W/B: 07.09.20
What a fantastic week Class 2 had!
This week, we started our Magnificent Monarchs topic by creating our own nature crowns.
The children collected natural resources from our school field and used them to design and then create their own nature crown. They looked fantastic!
Week 1
W/B: 03.09.20
This week, everyone was welcomed back to St Helen's after a long time away from school.
Class 2 had a wonderful couple of days together, completing creative tasks, getting to know each other a little bit better and settling in to the children's new classroom.
We completed some Cosmic Yoga together which the children really enjoyed!