W/B: 23.05.22
Week 5
This Tuesday, Class 2 and the rest of St Helen's had a Surprise Day! We got the opportunity to learn some circus skills from Dan the circus man.
Everyone in Class 2 did a fantastic job and had lots of fun!
Well done on your hard work Class 2
Class 2 have been learning to tell the time to the hour, to the half hour and to five minutes this week. We have finished our week by taking out wooden clock hands, hoops and chalk to create our own clocks on the playground.
Everyone had great fun creating different times and showed wonderful knowledge!
Well done Class 2
Everyone has worked so hard this half-time. Enjoy a rest, and also, have lots of fun in your school holiday!
Stay safe
Miss Garratt
W/B: 16.05.22
Week 4
This week, Class 2 have completed our Assessment Week and the children have shown wonderful attitudes to learning and determination.
Fantastic work Class 2!
We finished our week by auditioning for our school's talent show which will be after the holiday and will be called St Helen's Got Talent!
Class 2 had the choice of auditioning for our class and sharing their talents. We chose a singing duet and a gymnastics act. Well done to everyone that auditioned and to our winners!
Have a well-deserved rest and super weekend Class 2!
W/B: 09.05.22
Week 3
This Friday, Class 2 listened to the song Zootime for the first time. We discussed what it was about, how it makes us feel, what it makes us think of and how old the piece of music was.
We warmed up in a variety of ways, moving our bodies to the beat and then vocally warming up, singing high, and then, low.
Class 2 learnt the lyrics to our new song and we sang it as a class, creating appropriate actions to go with the lyrics.
Well done Class 2 on a wonderful music lesson!
W/B: 02.05.22
Week 2
This week, Class 2 got to visit our school's new area: The Peace Track and Gardens.
There is a selection of tricycles, balance bikes and scooters for Class 1 and 2 to use.
We had a fantastic time visiting this new area and can't wait to go back!
Well done on being sensible and a super week Class 2!
W/B: 25.04.22
Week 1
Today, Class 2 took part in Online Safety activities on Self-image and Identity.
We learnt how to explain how other people may look and act differently online and offline. Also, to give examples of issues that might make someone feel sad, worried, uncomfortable or frightened and how we might get help.
We must always tell a trusted adult if we see something on the internet we do not like or makes us feel sad, worried, uncomfortable or frightened.
We also learnt about safe child-friendly search engines which we will use in class and the children said they would like to use at home:
Well done on being sensible and showing understanding on How to Stay Safe Online Class 2!