
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Autumn 1

Week 8 - week commencing 23rd October


This week we have enjoyed learning all about Autumn and different events that occur throughout this season.  We learnt about harvest and listening to the story Pumpkin Soup.  We sand the song 5 little pumpkins, which was lots of fun.  

We went on an Autumn walk to look at how the leaves are changing and dropping from the trees.  We found pine cones and conkers in their shells that are spiky.  


In Math we have been learning about shapes.  We know the names of regular shapes, such as circle, square, rectangle and triangle.  We used shapes to make our own pictures and went on a shape hunt to find these shapes in the environment.  Why not do a shape hunt in your house.

Week 7 - week commencing 16th October 


On Monday morning we always enjoy changing our books and sharing them with our friends.  Afterwards, Mrs Blakemore read us the story of Elmer the patchwork elephant.   Collaboratively, we printed a large elephant to make our very own Elmer.  We discussed how Elmer is different to his friends and then we thought about how we are different and special to each other.  


In collective worship this week we thought about friendship and how we can be a good friend to others.  We discussed being gentle with our hands and the words we use with each other.  Our mission this week is to be a friend to someone we don't normally play with.  

Week 6 - week commencing 9th October 


This week we have been thinking about our well-being.  On Tuesday we celebrated Mental Health day by wearing clothes that make us happy and we did activities in Nursery that made us feel happy too.  We sang and danced with our friends and had lots of fun.  We even enjoyed a tasty breakfast in Nursery.


In PE this week we pretended to be Pirates.  We looked for the space around the hall and moved in different ways.  We joined in the 'Pirate Game' by climbing the rigging, scrubbing the deck and jumping overboard.  

We have celebrated lots of WOW moments this week - well done everyone!  please remember to keep sharing these with us so we can celebrate your achievements outside of Nursery.  

Week 5 - week commencing 2nd October


This week we have been singing lots of nursery rhymes and counting songs.  A few of our favourites this week have been "I'm a little teapot" and "Five Little Men in a Flying Saucer"


Use the links below to continue to practise these songs.

This weeks story was very funny.  It had some of our well known characters in it, Charlie and Lola.  It was called "I will never, ever eat a tomato".  In the story Lola thinks she doesn't like lots of things like fruit and vegetables but her bog brother Charlie soon gets Lola trying them all and she discovers they aren't that bad after all.  


After the story we discussed the foods we do and do not like to eat.  It has been good to hear more about our Superheroes.

Mrs Blakemore has been super proud of us all this week - we are all getting on so well. We have each made new friends and are learning to cooperate with each other, take turns and share within the classroom.  


Keep up the great work!

Week 4 - week commencing 25th September


This week our core story has been "Monkey Puzzle" by one of our favourite authors, Julia Donaldson.  We really enjoyed the story because the butterfly kept getting it wrong.  We used the story to help us to talk about our family.  We brought in photographs from home to share with our friends.  We loved looking at everyone's photographs and learning more about each other.

In Maths, we loved learning all about Tommy Two who likes sets of two.  he always tries to do two things at once and often gets in a muggle.  We learnt how to record the number 2 using Tommy Two's poem - "Hands round to knees, and straight across please".


Can you practise writing number 2 at home?  Complete Tommy Two's challenge by using the link below.

In SRE this week, we started to think about God's family.  We learnt a wonderful new song called God made me.  We listened to the creation story and talked about all the wonderful things in our world that we like.  Lots of us like the parks, lakes and animals all around the world.

Week 3 - week commencing 18th September


This week we were very excited to welcome all our new children to Nursery.  We have been trying really hard to learn everyone's names by playing lots of circle time games.  Our focus this week is to develop our Personal, Social and Emotional Development by being good friends to each other.  We are learning to share and take turns fairly.


Our story this week is "Guess How Much I Love You" by Sam McBrathney.  We used the story to help us to think about the special people we love.  

Why not listen to the story together and talk about how much you love someone.  Please use the link below.

In Math, we introduced our new friends to Ten Town and the number characters.  We joined King One in his castle and had lots of fun writing the number '1' on the board.  Our counting song this week is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.  Can you help me sing this song at home?

Week 2 - week commencing 11th September


We love choosing a new picture book to take home to share with our family but sharing them with our friends is also an important time in Nursery.

Our busy little fingers have loved creating our own jewellery this week.  We have spent lots of time pushing the pieces together and pulling them apart.

It really is wonderful to see all our Superheroes getting on so well.  They have been negotiate and sharing resources so well.  We are definitely ready to welcome our new children next week.

Our number of the week is '2'.  We have been using our Ten Town characters to help us to recognise the numeral and used Tommy Two to help us know how to write it.  We have been saying "hands round to knees, and straight across please" all week! 

Week 1 - week commencing 4th September


Welcome back everyone!  Over the past few days we have enjoyed getting back into nursery routine and enjoyed spending lots of time playing with our friends.  

In math this week we have focused on number one.  We have practiced counting carefully, and collecting the correct number of objects for the numeral.  We enjoyed writing the number '1' on our boards.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.