Week 5
In Literacy, Class 3 worked on an animal survival story based on a snow leopard. The children carefully planned their stories, thinking about how to structure them with an exciting opening, a build-up of events, a dilemma the snow leopard faces, a resolution, and a satisfying ending. They focused on making their stories engaging and full of detail to bring the journey of the snow leopard to life.
In Maths, Class 3 began a new topic on length and perimeter. The children learned how to measure the length of different objects using centimetres and millimetres. Children were able to show how many millimetres are in a centimetre and how many centimetres are in a metre.
In Art, Class 3 created beautiful wax resist artworks. The children used wax crayons to draw designs and then applied watercolours over the top. The wax resisted the paint, creating interesting textures and effects. This technique helped the children explore how different materials interact and how they can use this method to create unique and creative art pieces.
In PE, Class 3 worked on gymnastics, where they developed and performed a sequence of shapes, balances, and rolls. The children practiced coordinating their movements to create smooth and controlled routines. At the end of the week, they had the opportunity to perform their sequences in front of the class, showing their skills and creativity while demonstrating balance and coordination. It was a great way for them to build confidence and showcase their hard work!
In Guided Reading, Class 3 explored the text Wilderness. The children explored into the story, discussing its themes and characters while improving their vocabulary and fluency. They also worked on their comprehension skills, answering questions to better understand the text and make connections to the world around them.
Week 4
In Literacy, children have begun to focus on an animal survival story. Class 3 were given a narrative text and were able to identify the key features of a narrative. Further in to the week, children began to talk about how they were going to write their very own animal survival story. Everybody in class voted to write about a snow leopard.
In Art, Class 3 explored Power Prints, focusing on developing their sense of proportion and experimenting with creative techniques such as drawing with scissors. These artistic skills encouraged the children to think outside the box and express their creativity in bold and imaginative ways.
In guided reading, Class 3 explored Bewilderbeast, which links to literacy because it’s a character description (Narrative). Class 3 continued to improve on their vocabulary and fluency. However, towards the end of the week, children worked on their comprehension skills by answering questions about the text.
This week in History, Class 3 learned more about the Romans. The children looked at different artefacts and talked about what they might have been used for. They thought carefully about how these objects could tell us what life was like in Roman times and how the Romans changed Britain.
In Science, Class 3 learned how to group animals into two main categories: vertebrates and invertebrates. The children explored the differences between animals with backbones (vertebrates) and those without backbones (invertebrates), and discussed examples of each. This helped them understand how animals are classified and why this is important for studying their characteristics and habitats.
Week 3
In Maths, children focused on flexible partitioning to solve multiplication problems and continued developing their division skills, deepening their understanding of efficient strategies for both operations.
In Guided Reading, Class 3 explored How to rebel against the roman occupiers, which links to literacy because it’s a set of instructions. Class 3 continued to improve on their vocabulary and fluency. However, towards the end of the week, children worked on their comprehension skills by answering questions about the text.
Literacy, the children completed their final write of How to Train a Dragon showcasing their ability to use imperative verbs and prepositions to sequence instructions clearly and effectively.
In gymnastics, the class worked on balance and coordination, developing creative routines that emphasized control and fluidity.
Science, the children investigated Living Things in Their Habitats, exploring how animals and plants adapt to their environments and understanding the importance of different habitats for survival.
Week 2
In Maths, class 3 have continued with multiplication and division. Class 3 have been multiplying 2 digit by 1 digit numbers and progressing on to 3 digit by 1 digit numbers.
In history, class 3 have been learning about the roman empire and what impact they had on Great Britain. The children created a timeline ordering the rise of the Roman Empire.
Class 3 have started to write their very own instruction on how to train a dragon. The children were able to use imperative verbs and prepositions to express time in their writing.
This week, children have explored a fiction text called How to Catch a Dragons which links to literacy because it's a set of instructions. Class 3 continued to improve on their vocabulary and fluency. However, towards the end of the week children worked on their comprehension skills by answering question about the text.
Week 1
A snowy and icy start to the new term but class 3 were excited to start their new and upcoming topics.
In Maths, class 3 have started multiplication and division. Class 3 have been finding pair factors of numbers and looking at arrays to write multiplication sentences.
In PE class 3, have been introduced to gymnastics, they were able to show different shapes and balances. In the next couple of weeks, class 3 will begin to create a routine and showcase what they have done to the class.
In Literacy, children have begun to learn about instructions, and were able to use imperative verbs in there writing. Over the next couple of weeks class 3 will be writing their very own set of instruction on how to catch a dragon.
This week, children have explored a fiction text called How to Grow Dragons which links to literacy because it's a set of instructions. Class 3 continued to improve on their vocabulary and fluency. However, towards the end of the week children worked on their comprehension skills by answering question about the text.