Week 8
We've had a busy week in Class 2 with our class assembly on Wednesday. Have you seen the post on the school facebook page?
In history this week we have been learning about Alexander Graham Bell and the invention of the first telephone. We've thought about how the phone has changed even in our life times! Today we made simple phones using plastic cups and string.
The children have worked really hard this half term and we are all ready for our break.
Well done and have a lovely half-term holiday!
Week 7
In our literacy this week, we have continued to use Grandad's Island by Benji Davies as out text.
We have written our own setting descriptions. Here are some of them.
Week 6
This week in literacy we have started to think about describing a setting.
We have been reading the book, Grandad's Island by Benji Davies.
Week 5
We had a lovely afternoon with some of our Grandparents. We talked to them about their favourite toys when they were our age and we showed them round our classroom and the school playground. Finally we sang some songs to them.
Thank you for coming!
Week 4
We are getting ready for our harvest assembly on Wednesday 23rd October. We have written a psalm thanking God for our favourite fruit and vegetables.
Week 3
We've been reading the story of Dogger by Shirley Hughes. Today we made our own "Lost" posters for a pet or toy that we had lost.
Week 2
We have done lots of work on place value this week, practising representing numbers using practical equipment, and partitioning numbers into tens and ones.
Today we made a Maths Museum!
Welcome to Class 2
We are looking forward to a wonderful year of learning and growing in Class 2.
Here is some of the information that will help the year to run smoothly.
Class 2 is taught by Miss Mason on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday; and by Mrs Armstrong on Thursday and Friday.
Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday. Please make sure that your PE kit is in on these days. Why not leave it in school - then you don't have to remember!
Homework is given out on a Wednesday and needs to be handed in on the following Monday.
Spellings are tested on Wednesdays.
Please do come and talk to us on the playground before school each day. We love to get to know you! If that isn't convenient for you, please do phone school and we can either return your call, or arrange a meeting.