Week 6
This week, children have explored a variation of non-fiction texts about the predators. Children have enjoyed reading information texts about hunting strategies and survival in the wild.
In Literacy this week, children have explored calligram poetry. Children have enjoyed learning about varying features within the poems before writing their very own.
In Maths, children have started to explored adding and subtracting fractions.
In PE, children have continued to explore team building games in OAA with Mr Burns.
In Science, children have explored water transportation. Children have explored key scientific vocabulary such as transportation and evaporation.
In RHE, children learnt about helping others – this linked well to our Lent work in RE.
In Geography, children have compared physical features from our previous focus area of France with our current focus of Germany. Children have explored rivers, mountains, volcanoes, population and climate.
Well done Class 3 for all of your hard work this week!
Have a great weekend.
Week 5
This week, children have explored a variation of non-fiction texts about the Paris. Children have enjoyed reading information texts about the Arc De Triumphe and Parisian facts.
In Design and Technology, children have evaluated their electronic posters and presented their final pieces. Class 3 were very proud of their fantastic creations.
In Literacy this week, children have applied their knowledge of prepositional phrases, noun phrases and fronted adverbials within a character description.
In Maths, children have started to explored equivalent fractions.
In PE, children have continued to explore team building games in OAA with Mr Burns.
In Science, children have explored new scientific vocabulary when learning about differing plant habitats. Children also explored how plants adapt to varying habitats such as cacti storing water when growing in the desert.
Well done Class 3 for all of your hard work this week!
Have a great weekend.
Week 4
This week, children have explored a variation of non-fiction texts about the Light. Children have enjoyed reading information texts about the how our eyes use wavelength to see varying colours.
In Design and Technology, children have explored electrical circuits in preparation for our parent session on Friday.
In Literacy this week, children have explored prepositional phrases and fronted adverbials in relation to our character description of Mor’du.
In Maths, children have started to explored fractions this week.
In RHE, children have shared activities that improve their moods and encourage positive emotions when we are feeling down.
In PE, children have continued to explore team building games in OAA.
In Science, children have explored new scientific vocabulary when learning about the specific parts of a plant and pollination.
Well done Class 3 for all of your hard work this week!
Thank you to our wonderful parents for attending our DT parent session on Friday afternoon, children thoroughly enjoyed making their electronic posters with everyone.
Have a great weekend.
Week 3
This week, children have explored a variation of non-fiction texts about the Italy. Children have enjoyed reading information texts about the Italian culture, history and food.
In Design and Technology, children have researched information for their chosen electric poster design.
In Literacy this week, children have explored expanded noun phrases and commas to further develop description.
In Maths, children have started to explore negative numbers, before we progress to fractions.
In Spanish, children learnt how to say how old are you and their ages as a response. Children used their prior knowledge of numbers to support during this lesson.
Class 3 also had lots of fun during World Book Day, exploring the book Here We Are by Oliver Jeffers. Children explored and researched animals, planets and completed some fantastic art work.
Well done Class 3 for all of your hard work this week!
Have a great weekend.
Week 2
This week, children have explored a variation of non-fiction texts about the Iron Age. Children have enjoyed reading information texts about the Celts rebelling against the Roman invasion of Britain.
In Design and Technology, children have explored information posters and how an electrical circuit could be included within this design.
In Literacy this week, children have completed writing a diary entry as a Roman soldier. Children have applied their knowledge of Roman history well within this task.
In Maths, children have started to explore money. This week, children have started to recognise and order the value of money, along with addition and subtraction.
In PE this week, children have enjoyed team building skills during OAA. Children have enjoyed applying their problem-solving skills and working as a team.
Well done Class 3 for all of your hard work this week!
Have a great weekend.
Week 1
Well done class 3 for your fantastic efforts this week.
This week has been assessment week for Key Stage 2. Children have tried incredibly hard and should be very proud.
This week, children have explored a variation of non-fiction texts about habitat loss. Children have enjoyed reading information texts about how varying animals may lose their home due to deforestation and climate change.
In Design and Technology, children have explored information posters and how an electrical circuit could be included within this design.
In Literacy this week, children have started writing a diary entry as a Roman soldier. Children discussed key events throughout a soldier’s day and ordered them into chronological order.
In Maths, children have started to explore money. This week, children have started to recognise and order the value of money.
In Science this week, children have learnt about plants. Children have labelled plants and their purpose.
In PE this week, children have enjoyed team building skills during OAA.
Well done Class 3 for all of your hard work this week!
Have a wonderful weekend.