
St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

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St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

Class 1 Story Resources

Welcome to Class 1's Story Page

As part of our literacy work we regularly have a storybook focus for a week. The story is sometimes linked to topic, RE or a traditional tale that works really well with talk for writing. We learn the story really well and through talk for writing we develop actions. Our story becomes a performance. We create story maps to tell the story through pictures. Below are some resources for stories we planned to cover this term. This page will be regularly updated. 

Parent Information: Talk for Writing 

Talk for writing is oral based story telling - if you can't say it you can't write it. Children learn a story through Talk for Writing with actions and often with a story map. A story map is a map of the main events in the story to help guide children through the oral story telling. Story maps give children a fantastic way into recreating stories as they are predominantly picture based - we often add in labels once we have created our story map. Here is YouTube clip of Pie Corbet delivering a Talk for Writing session on 'The Little Red Hen', which you may remember, Class 1 learn right at the beginning of the year!


The Talk for Writing stories we have done in school so far: 


The Little Red Hen 

We're Going on a Bear Hunt

The Three Little Pigs

The Three Billy Goats Gruff 

The Very Hungry Caterpillar 


To create a story map all you need is some plain paper. Recap some of these stories and see if your child can remember the story maps we created in school. 

The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle

As part of our RE topic we have been learning about change and growth. The Very Hungry Caterpillar is an excellent story to engage children in the discussion of change and growth. It is a very easy story to learn through talk for writing and those children who were in school last week learnt how to perform the story - can they show you and teach you?   (animated story) 


Please support your child to access YouTube and check all videos yourself before sharing with your child as they are subject to change. 

Beegu by Alexis Deacon 

The children are familiar with the story as we have read it in school. Here is a You Tube link for the story:   (storytelling) (animation & storytelling)


Please support your child to access YouTube and check all videos yourself before sharing with your child as they are subject to change. 


Can you think about how you would look after Beegu? Maybe you could make her a home, a space ship to go home in or help her write a letter home? Could you make your own Beegu out of playdough using our playdough recipe? 


Aliens Love Underpants! By Claire Freedman & Ben Cort

Class 1 love this storybook! You can watch it below on YouTube.   (story telling)  


Please support your child to access YouTube and check all videos yourself before sharing with your child as they are subject to change. 


Below are some activities linked to the story:

The Rainbow Fish by Michael Pfister 

This is really popular storybook about friendship. 


Here is the YouTube link: 


Please support your child to access YouTube and check all videos yourself before sharing with your child as they are subject to change.  

Starry-Eyed Stan! 

Twinkl have lots of ebooks available online. This is one of them. 

Owl Babies by Martin Waddell 

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.