
St Helen's Catholic Primary School

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St Helen’s Catholic Primary School

Autumn Term 2 - North America

Week ending Fri 9th December 2022

We had a super time with our parents and carers this afternoon building truss bridges. Thank you so much for coming. 

Week ending Fri 2nd December 2022

12 of our Year 5 children did their Bikeability training this week. They really enjoyed learning how to safely ride on the roads. Well done to all involved.

Week ending Fri 25th November 2022

Last week it was parents Assembly. The children did an amazing job performing and presenting "The Anglo-Saxons".

Alfred, Alfred HB.mp4

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scene 1 HB.mp4

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scene 1 convo HB.mp4

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Moder and girls HB.mp4

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PB Fact HB.mp4

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King, Thane HB,.mp4

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Week ending Fri 18th Nov. 2022

Here are some photos from last week's Design & Technology lesson. The topic is : Structures; Building Bridges.

In this lesson the children were making a range of different shaped beam bridges and tested their strength.

Week ending Friday 11th November

P.E. Star of the week

Our P.E. star was given the award this week for making progress in the badminton lesson. She worked so hard on her forearm and backhand strokes.

It was Other Faiths week in R.E. and in Class 4 the children were learning about Judaism and the Sefer Torah.

A Sefer Torah or Torah scroll is a handwritten copy of the Torah, meaning the five books of Moses. The Torah scroll is mainly used in the ritual of Torah reading during Jewish prayers.

Here are the pupils looking for stories contained in each of 5 books of Moses - also the first 5 books of the Bible.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.