Week 4
Another busy week in Class 1. We have done lots of our maths outdoors and we have been building box models for fairies and woodland animals. Our story this week was Foggy Foggy Forrest by Nick Sharrat. Click on the link below to sing the song.
Week 3
FS2 children have been doing some wonderful reading and writing this week and we have used iPads to video their amazing progress. Year 1 children have made story maps and then written their own fairy adventure stories.
We have worked with Class 4 to start designing our fairy houses/woodland animal habitats. We will be making them together next week.
We have learnt all about Pentecost and how Jesus sent us The Holy Spirit. We are making windmills to remind us of the wind that came when he sent The Holy Spirit.
Week 2
Our Enchanted Woodland topic has been so exciting this week with the introduction of our magical small world fairy garden designed and made by our very own fantastic Mr. Simms! We have been finding out all about woodland animals and written fact files.
Week 1
We have had a lovely first week back and the children have all been so keen to work hard with their writing. They have written some amazing Little Red Riding Hood stories, character descriptions and speech bubbles for the characters. We have learned to sing a song about Red Riding hood too- the children sing it beautifully. Follow the link below to let them sing to you.
In Maths we have been looking at numbers to 100 on the 100 square finding patterns and missing numbers. Try out some of the games and songs below.