
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Weekly Spellings

Below are the spelling lists for both year groups. 


Year 4 children should be able to spell both year 3 and year 4 words so it may be beneficial to look at both lists whilst you are at home.


I always ask children to copy out their spelling words, in their handwriting books, every day so they get to improve both skills at the same time. They usually write one full line of the same word with one finger space between.


As an extra challenge they could write sentences with their spelling words in their red home learning booklet and copy them out in their handwriting book correctly.


In addition to these spelling words I have added some high frequency words that all children should now be spelling correctly independently. They were taught lower down school but there are still quite a few children that still find these difficult and are often incorrect in their writing. Please use this opportunity to improve these key skills in spelling.

Additional Spellings that all children should be able to spell by the end of this school year.
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