Week 5:
This week concluded with British Values day. Class 3 looked at the Rule of Law: Why do we need rules and what are their purpose?
We explored this through board game such as snakes and ladders, following rules, creating rules for their own board games and exploring what would happen if rules weren't followed. We came to the conclusion that rules are there to keep us safe and allow people to live together fairly.
Finally, we gave our first recorder performance to a Greek God rap, to tie in with our topic Gods and Mortals. Take a listen!
Week 2:
This week, as we discover the divine gods of Ancient Greece, Class 3 have begun to draw realistic portraits of Zeus, King of the Gods! They will be shaded to reflect light and tone. Pictures to follow!
Week 1:
This week, Class 3 have worked really hard on the presentation of their work in maths and literacy. They all now know how to draw margins, and they have practised how to writing on much smaller lines!