
St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

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St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

Autumn Term 1

Week 8: Half term is nearly upon us, and so is the end of our topic on Ancient Greece. To finish off our story of Theseus and the Minotaur, Class 3 created some fantastic masks in the style of Theseus' helmet or the MInotaur itself!

We also had our parents sessions where we looked at lung capacity.

Week 7: Welcome to Ancient Greece! Class 3 have had a fantastic day learning about different aspects of Ancient Greece, including dance, theatre and mask making. Thank you to our visitors!

Week 6: Class 3 led our Harvest assembly! They did so well with their reading and acting skills. Please note: Some children have been hidden from view due to photographic permissions.

Week 5:

This week concluded with British Values day. Class 3 looked at the Rule of Law: Why do we need rules and what are their purpose?

We explored this through board game such as snakes and ladders, following rules, creating rules for their own board games and exploring what would happen if rules weren't followed. We came to the conclusion that rules are there to keep us safe and allow people to live together fairly.


Finally, we gave our first recorder performance to a Greek God rap, to tie in with our topic Gods and Mortals. Take a listen!

Greek Gods Rap

Week 4: This year, Class 3 have the pleasure of Mrs Maitland for recorders. We take pride in teaching music both within and as part of our extra curricular activities, with a few students also taking up violin and guitar. This year will accumulate with an end of year concert to show off all we have learnt!

Week 3: Our investigation into Zeus continues as part of our Literacy unit for this half -term: Non-Chronological reports. Class 4 have begun researching four areas linked to Zeus. The first was his appearance. We looked at character descriptions from different novels and chose relevant vocabulary and phrases we could magpie for Zeus. Hagrid from the Harry Potter series really offered some brilliant phrases such as 'shaggy, wild mane!'

Week 2:


This week, as we discover the divine gods of Ancient Greece, Class 3 have begun to draw realistic portraits of Zeus, King of the Gods! They will be shaded to reflect light and tone. Pictures to follow!

Week 1:


This week, Class 3 have worked really hard on  the presentation of their work in maths and literacy. They all now know how to draw margins, and they have practised how to writing on much smaller lines! 

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.