
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Autumn 2

Week 7

After performing our dress rehearsal in front of the whole school we were finally ready for our nativity on Tuesday “A Miracle in Town”. Every single child was just amazing. They looked fabulous and the singing was magnificent. Lots of people in the audience said that it was the best Christmas play they had ever seen! I was so so proud. We had our yummy Christmas dinner and enjoyed wearing Christmas jumpers. We finished our Christmas week with parties, mass and a celebration assembly.

Merry Christmas🎅🏻🎄🎁

Week 6

We have started writing about The Very First Christmas this week. We have listened to Christmas stories and acted out different party’s of the stories. We have also done some nativity scene drawings using black fine liner pens. We had to be extra careful and concentrate hard to do our best pictures.

Week 5

This week is the first week in Advent and we have been finding out about Christingle and how we are waiting for Christmas when we celebrate the birth of Jesus. We all made our own Christingles and enjoyed a wonderful Christingle assembly with many of our parents. We sang beautifully and Father Declan came in to bless our Advent wreaths which are now in every classroom. 

We have been like little Christmas elves getting ready for the Christmas Fayre. In class 1 we made our own Christmas Eve boxes to sell at the fayre. Inside we put our salt dough tree decorations, sweets, treats, games and “The Night Before Christmas” book. The Christmas fayre on Friday was a huge success😃

Week 4

We started our new topic this week “Will you read me a story?” On Monday morning we had a surprise visit from a very special proncess!!! She read us the story of rapunzel and sang songs from all our favourite movies. She was very beautiful and we all had our photograph taken with her. In the afternoon we had another amazing treat when our whole school went to the pantomime! It was so much fun.

Week 3

This years' World Nursery Rhyme Week has been fantastic and all the children and staff have thouroughly enjoyed it. We joined with nursery every day to learn our rhyme of the day then did lots of exciting activities each day related to the rhyme of the day. The rhymes this year were:


  • Monday- 5 Currant Buns
  • Tuesday- Humpty Dumpty
  • Wednesday- A Sailor Went to Sea
  • Thursday- I'm a Little Teapot
  • Friday- Round and Round the Garden


We look forward to performing them next Friday at our "World Nursery Rhyme Week Singing Showcase"😃😃😃

Maths and literacy opportunities in playdough provision.

Week 2

What a week! We started with odd socks day on Monday for Anti-bullying week. We have been reading Elmer in literacy and thought about how it is good to be different and how we should always be kind even if someone is different to us. Everyone designed their own amazing Elmer patterns- come and see our display❤️💚🖤🧡💙💛💜

For the end of our topic “Do you want to be friends” we had our class parent session which was fantastic- thank you so much to all of you for joining us. We decorated salt dough hearts (made during the week), used jelly babies to show what friendship looks like, made recipes for friendship, heart handprints and thank you cards for the special people in our lives who help us. All the photos and activities will be displayed in our classroom next week.

Week 1

Welcome back to our second half of Autumn term. November the 5th was a great day to come back to school as it was Bonfire Night! We sang songs, wrote about firework sounds and even made our very own bonfire which was lots of fun! We will be writing instructions on how we made it. Our artwork this week is very exciting and colourful (photos to follow).

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.