
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Golden Book Awards

Summer term 2 week 3 - Showing Resilience

Summer term 2 week 2 - For being kind and caring

Summer 2 Week 1 - Great reading and sharing stories at home.

Summer 1 - For working hard and problem solving

Summer 1 - Excellent work in RE

Summer 1 - Excellent manners

Spring 2 - Golden Book - Showing resilience

Spring 2 - Excellent effort in Collective Worship

Spring 2 - Excellent effort in phonics or reading

Sp1 Week 5 - Golden book - Outstanding effort this half term. Spelling celebrations from KS2

Spring 1 Week 3 - Excellent presentation and mark making

Spring 1 Week 2 - For showing respect

Spring 1 week 1 - excellent start to nursery and 100% effort

Autumn 2 - Week 3 - Excellent behaviour

Autumn 2 - Week 2 - Excellent work in PE

Autumn 2 week 1 - Outstanding team player

Week 7 - Outstanding achievement this half term.

Week 6 - For being inquisitive and eager to learn.

Autumn 1 Week 5 - Always trying hard

Autumn 1 - week 4 - Excellent manners

Autumn 1 week 3 - being a good friend

Autumn 1, week 2 - Excellent start to a new topic

Autumn 1 -2022/2023 For adapting well to new routines and classes

Summer 2 - Excellent effort in Maths

Summer 2 - Showing kindness

Summer 2 - Showing good manners and great reading

Summer 1 - week 5 - For always trying hard

Summer 2 - Excellent home learning

Summer 2 - Excellent manners and resilience in PE

Summer 1 week 1 - Excellent manners at lunchtime

Spring term 2 - Week 7 - Outstanding effort this half term

Spring2 Week 6- Amazing effort in Literacy

Week 5 - For keeping trying when things are difficult

Week 4 -Thoughtfulness during Collective Worship

Week 3 - Always having a 'Have a go attidue'

Week 2- Outstanding Effort in Reading

Week 1 - Being a fantastic learner

Week 6 - Outstanding effort this half term

Week 5 - Outstanding effort in Math's

Spring Term 4 - Excellent home learning

Spring Term week 3 - Being polite and showing good manners

Spring Term week 2 - For excellent mark making and handwriting improvement

Spring Term week 1 - For showing respect to the school and the people within it.

Autumn 2 week 7 - Outstanding effort this half term

Autumn 2, week 6. NAM - Always being Kind and considerate. KS1 and KS2 - outstanding work in Literacy

AUTUMN WEEK 4 - Always giving 100% in everything you do

Autumn, week 2 - Excellent work in PE

Autumn 2 - Week 1 - Golden Book - For working well in a team

Week 6 - Golden Book - Outstanding effort this half term

Golden Book - Week 5 - For willingness to try new things and adopting a 'have a go' atttitude.

Autumn 1 Week 4 - For being an excellent friend to others

Autumn 1 Week 3- N = For being a 'Give me 5' Champion and always being ready to learn. KS1&2 = For outstanding effort at the start of our new school topic

Autumn 1 Week 2 - Nursery For settling into Nursery and adjusting to new routines. KS1 and KS2 For showing confidence and smiles in your first full week of a new school year.

Summer 2, Week 4 For being a superstar in maths

Golden book Summer 2, Week 3 Outstanding effort in reading

Summer 2 Week 2 - For showing respect for religions other than our own.

Summer 2 -Week 1- I am always ready to learn

Summer 1 - Week 6 - Outstanding effort this half term

Summer 1 Week 6 - Always trying hard

Summer 1 Week 5 -Foundation and KS1 'being a phonics superstar and for KS2 Improvement in Handwriting

Summer 1 week 4- Showing kindness in our school community

Summer 1 Week 3 - Excellent manners during snack and dinner time

Summer 1 Week 2 - Excellent work in Topic

Summer 1 week 1 - Thoughtfulness in Collective worship

Spring Term 2 - Excellent reading this half term

Spring Term 2 - 'Being a superstar and excellent work in PE'

Spring term 2 - Golden book - 'Always having a go'

Golden Book Spring term 2 - Perseverance and never giving up

Golden Book week 6 - Outstanding effort this half term

Golden Book Week 5 - Spring 1 - Excellent work in school and at home

Golden Book Awards - Excellent Manners

Week 2 and 3 Golden book awards

Week 1 -Spring 1 - Golden book - Excellent work in Collective Worship and Come and See.

08.01.2021 Week 1 - Spring 1 - Listen to the Pod cast of the assembly

Week 7 - Golden Book - Outstanding effort this half term

Class 3 a little bit excited to be winning attendance this week

Still image for this video

Week 6 Golden Book - Excellent Fine motor skill work FS2, Excellent topic work KS2

Week 5 - Golden Book - Always giving their full effort

Week 4 - Golden Book -Ready to Learn

Week 3 - Golden Book- Outstanding Work in RE
Week 2 - Golden Book- Outstanding Behaviour

Week 1 Golden Book - Being a great team player - FS1 and FS2 - Being a good friend

Week 7 -Golden Book - FS1 - Making good friends. All other year groups - Improvement in writing

Week 6 - Golden book - Outstanding effort and presentation

Week 5- Golden Book- Excellent effort in maths

Week 4 - Golden Book - Excellent dinnertime manners

Week 3 - Golden book - Working hard to create a masterpiece

September 2020 - Week 2 - Being an Excellent Friend

September 2020 - Week 1 - Amazing Attitude

Spring 2 Week 2 Golden book - Effort in reading and Outstanding behaviour

Spring 2, Week 1 Golden book - Outstanding work in RE

Sping 2 Times Table Rock Star competition winners

Spring 2 TTRS Rock star achievements

Week 6 - Outstanding effort this half term

Week 6 outstanding effort and behaviour in school

Golden book - Spring 1 - Week 5 - Excellent effort in maths

Week 5 - Outstanding behaviour

Spring 1 -week 4- Positive attitude to learning

Spring 1 - week 4 - Outstanding behaviour

Spring 1 - Week 3 - Effort and hard work


This week besides celebrating hard work in their learning, we had two pupils 2 pupils achieve outstanding for behaviour and hard work.  Well Sacred Heart!

Golden Book - Effort and Hardwork

Spring Term 1 - Week 1 -Golden Book - Outstanding attitude and behaviour to learning

Week 6- Teachers choice award - Golden Book

Week 5 Golden book

Week 3 Golden book

Week 2 Golden book

Week 1 - Autumn 2 - Outstanding behaviour

Week 1 Autumn 2 - Golden book -Improvement in handwriting

Golden Book Week 8 - Outstanding effort

Week 7 - Improving reader this half term

Week 6 - Outstanding presentation

Week 4 Golden Book - Outstanding Effort in Maths

Week 3 Golden Book - Excellent Lunchtime Manners

Week 2 Golden Book - Excellent friendship

Golden Book Week 1 - Outstanding Behaviour and Attitude

Always being helpful, polite and a great friend.

Outstanding Manners at Lunchtimes

World Book Week - Outstanding Readers

Excellent & thoughtful work in RE

Outstanding effort in Maths this half term

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.