
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Spring Term 2

Week 5

In RE, children have been thinking about how everyone's life can be fruitful. They thought about the gifts they have which gifts can be used to help themselves, and others around them.

Week 4

This week we have been looking at drawing self portraits, as well as 'Half-and-Half' portraits. See if you can guess who these children are...

Week 3

Only 4 days in school this week, so we have been trying to fit 5 days work into 4!

We have been working on writing a balanced argument around the question:

'Should the internet be turned off?'


It was interesting to see that this current generation think life couldn't possibly exist without the internet!

'Would there still be teachers, because there wouldn't be anything to teach?' was one of my favourite quotes of the week!

Week 2

During PE this week, children have been practising their tennis skills. Do we have the next 'Andy Murray' in our class?

Week 1

As part of our work on British Values, Class 5 started to think about writing a 'Mini-Manifesto'. They thought about how they could make Sacred Heart better if they were to take control.

Their key policies include:

  • Aim to get more resources for school, such as ipads, whiteboard pens, new computers.
  • To ensure all areas in school are tidy - there would be sanctions for teachers and pupils who leave things untidy.
  • Ensure there is respect, peace and fairness throughout school.
  • More homework! (Although this was opposed by other parties!)
  • The setting up of lunchtime clubs for art, computing etc.

Some very interesting ideas. Well done Class 5.




One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.