Week 5
W.B 10.7.23
This week in R.H.E we were learning about the feeding of the 5000.We had fun re-enacting the story.
Week 4
W.B 3.7.23
This week in Geography we were looking at the history of
our school and how the buildings have changed. We looked at old photos of the school then walked around school, identifying the changes.
We also let our butterflies go this week. We have enjoyed watching the transformation from caterpillars to butterflies.
Week 3
W.B 26.6.23
This week has been such a busy week for Class 1 children. We visited Tropical Butterfly House. We then finished the week by participating in a Federation Sports day at the E.I.S.
Week 2
W.B 19.6.23
This week Class 1 went on a walk around school to look at the buildings near our school. We then watched a Virtual tour of some famous streets in London and compared the houses in London to the houses in Hoyland.
Week 1
W.B 12.6.23
Take a look at our photos enjoying Summer story books with our parents and siblings today.