
St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

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St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

Autumn 2

Our topic this half term is called "Off With Her Head" and is all about the Tudors. We will be learning all about the life of Henry VIII as well as his many wives. We are especially interested in Anne Boleyn and at the end of our topic we will be putting her on trial to decide whether she was guilty of the many crimes she was accused of. 

As usual we will be doing many different things in class so check back here regularly to see examples of what we have been doing.

Today we set up and ran our Christmas Fayre. We have done lots to get ready for it and in the process learnt a lot about business and profit. 
We have been sewing this week in class in preparation for our stall on the Christmas Fayre. We have been learning all about enterprise (how we can make and sell things for a profit). We also made some beautiful home made fudge.
We have been practicing writing Tudor music based around the song by Henry VIII called Greensleeves. We looked and and sang the different verses and then created our own. Some of us even practiced writing with a quill and ink.

This week in class we have been learning to write reports. We have learn't lots of new skills which we will use to write reports later in the topic about Anne Boleyn.

Below are some examples of our reports on the elusive Tongo Lizard.

Below are some example of the wonderful explanation texts we have been writing about Remembrance Day. We have found out lots of different information and then tried to present it in a clear and understandable way for our reader.
Today we have been to Crucial Crew and learnt all about personal safety as well as criminal responsibility and punishment. We had fire safety talks, road safety and even held a trial in a courtroom with real magistrates.

Emergency Services Call

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One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.