
St Helen's Catholic Primary School

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St Helen’s Catholic Primary School

Autumn 1 - History - Anglo-Saxons and Scots

This term our focus is History

Anglo-Saxons and Scots

Enquiry question:

Does the punishment always fit the crime?

Week/c Monday 16th October 2023

Thank you to all of you who came to Class 4's assembly for parents. The children did amazing and sang fabulously!

Kings song 1 web.mp4

Still image for this video

Alfred song web.mp4

Still image for this video

Our shadow puppet theatres turned out fantastically well. Inspired by the story, " The Dark At The Top Of The Stairs".

Week/c Monday 9th October 2023

PE stars this week are for playing fairly and supporting each other.

Week/c  Monday 2nd October

This week the Y5 children who took part in the Bikeability course received their certificates and badges. Congratulations to everyone and stay safe on your bikes!

Art and Design

This week the children made a mouse puppet using a polystyrene ball, dowel, card and felt. The mouse was inspired by the story "The monster at the top of the stairs." They really enjoyed the work and did a brilliant job.

P.E. Stars this week ( chosen by the children ).

w/c Monday 25th September 2023

What a busy week we have had this week!


Exotic Animal Visit

On Friday the children had the met a number of different exotic animals. 


Ramp it up

We had such a treat this week the Ramp it up team from Barnsley council came to school. We had the best time trying all the ramps on bikes and scooters. 


This week we have complete science investigations looking at magnets.

In R.E. this week, we listened to the advice St. Paul offered about how to live a good, happy and joyful life. With this in mind, the children have written some "Recipes for Good Living". What fantastic advice!

Recipe for living 001 web.mp4

Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

recipe for living 005 web.mp4

Still image for this video

Recipe for living 08 web.mp4

Still image for this video

Recipe for living 13 web.mp4

Still image for this video

w/c Monday 18th September

What a fantastic time we had at Leeds Armouries! the children absolutely loved the two workshops; The story of Beowulf and learning about history from an archaeological dig.

Reading Morning

It was so lovely to have so many parents for reading morning. We love to share our reading with our family. 

w/c 11th September 2023


On Wednesday we spent the afternoon creating a human timeline of significant dates in British History. 

Worry Workshop

On Wednesday Jade from  Compass Be led a worry workshop for our class. The children were very responsive and they ended the session with a toolkit of strategies to help them when they may feel worried.


P.E. Stars

In basketball this week, the stars worked extremely with their partner and showed progress in their dribbling and protection of the ball. Well done to them all!

Basketball lesson - dribbling and protecting the ball.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.