Meet our School Council Representatives!
Our School Councilllors have a very important role in school. We held school council elections in early September. All of the children could stand for election and they were able to vote for representatives in their own class. Some children wrote their own manifestos stating why they wanted to be on the school council.
Our school council is in place so that all pupils have a voice and are involved in decisions about the school that affect them. In class discussions, all pupils have the opportunity to raise issues, share ideas and take part in discussions that involve all of the children reaching a democratic solution. It's important to us that all pupils know that Sacred Heart is their school and that their thoughts and ideas matter.
Lent Fundraising
The School Council organised a non-uniform day. We had a food collection for the Salvation Army in Goldthorpe. We brought donations of cereal, juice, chocolate, crisps and tinned food. Our collection was huge! It was nice to support the Salvation Army as they help lots of families in our local community.
Our School Council met to share and discuss ideas or how we can be extra kind and helpful to others. They have planned lots of events during Lent where we will be supporting different charities.
Dearne Community Mosaic Grand Unveiling!
Our School Council were invited as guests to the official unveiling of the Dearne Community Arts Festival Mosaic at Goldthorpe library. Ian McMillan did the honours of the grand unveiling. Mr McMillan is a local poet, journalist and playwright. The community mosaic was first shown as part of the Dearne Arts Festival in September 2019. The mosaic celebrates our local community and Class 4 were delighted to be involved in making part of the mosaic last summer. Our School Council appeared on television 'Look North' as part of the report about the mosaic.
Meeting 5
The school council had a very busy meeting today. Several of the class representatives brought matters to the meeting which were discussed. The start of the meeting was for the council to discuss what is going to happen in school next week when it's 'anti-bullying week'. Some of the children are going to help lead the anti-bullying launch assembly on Monday morning. All of the council are going to remind both pupils and staff about the importance of joining in 'Odd Socks day' on Tuesday.
Meeting 4
All of the council representatives from each class shared information with the rest of the council about what they had talked about in their class discussions last week. Some classes discussed ideas for what they would like to make for Christmas Fayre to help to raise money for the school. Some children suggested outdoor equipment that they would like to have to use when playing outside.
10 Day active Challenge
Our School Councillors have been busy filling in the 10 Day active Challenge charts in each classroom to show which children are joining in the challenge of walking, scooting or biking to school every day.
10 Day Active Challenge Launch Assembly
Some of our school council led our first assembly of the week and told the rest of the school lots of important information about the '10 Day Active Challenge'. The challenge starts on Monday 7th October and lasts for two school weeks. For ten days, all children are to try and come to school using their own energy. It's both good for us and good for the environment.
Meeting 3
Our school council met to discuss our up and and coming participating in the '10 Day Active Challenge'. The councillors discussed suggestions for extra healthy challenges that we could all join in during the two week period. The councillors voted for the two challenges that they liked best. The councillors are going to lead Monday's assembly to share the information with the rest of the school
Community Day
We were really fortunate to have a group of volunteers from Capita come to work alongside our school council to tidy up and improve some of our outdoor areas. Despite a brief rainy start, the day turned out to be a huge success and the results are amazing. The volunteers helped clear the woodland areas, put up new fencing, painted some of our outdoor equipment and weeded and tidied up some of our raised beds and planters.
Meeting 2
Our School Councillors met and went on an environment walk around our school grounds. They wrote a list of work that needs doing to improve and tidy up our outdoor areas. We're very fortunate that we've got a group of volunteers from Capita coming to work with the school council next week to help carry out the work. Let's hope that our volunteers have a good nights sleep before they come, as they're going to be really busy!
Meeting 1:
The School Council had a very busy, but productive first meeting of the new year. There were lots of things to discuss and important decisions to make.
The council discussed:
* Macmillan Coffee Morning & non uniform day
* Community Day
* 10 Day Active Challenge