Week 4 - 11.03.24
Our Year 1 children have started to learn numbers to 50. In Maths this week, we have been learning to group objects in 10 to help us count bigger quantities. We have been exploring using a 50 square and learning to spot the number patterns in a 50 square.
In topic, we have been learning about the seaside. This has also linked well to our science work on habitats. Our children in class 1 have really enjoyed our story this week - Sharing a Shell, by Juilia Donaldson.
Week 3 - 04.03.24
In our RE lesson this week we have been learning about Lent. We spent the afternoon completing activities linked to our Lent Theme:
- God's House - draw your family in church - we are all loved by God.
- Jesus is the Light - create a candle to show Jesus is the Light of our World.
- Plant a seed - as we spend Lent growing closer to God, take care of your seed and help it to grow.
Week 2 - 04.03.2024
Our topic this term is Geography. We have been learning about Barnsley, our nearest town. We have learnt to identify some of Barnsley's buildings, including Barnsley College, Town Hall and Barnsley Football Stadium.
Week 1 - 19.02.2024
We have been learning about Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent this week in Class 1. As we missed Ash Wednesday in school due to the holidays, in Class 1 we created our own Ash Wednesday crown in symbolise ash. We came together in collective worship and learnt about Lent being the time we are preparing for Easter.