Week 7
This week, we have been hard at work ensuring our Christmas prudction, 'It's a Boy!' is ready to perform on Wednesday. The class are presenting the production and readings. We have worked really hard on our reading aloud skills and the adults are very proud of Year 6 in how clear and confident they are on stage.
In maths, we have been investigating missing angles in triangles, quadrilaterals and on straight lines and in ilteracy we are producing some fantastic formal letters to a local business in a bid to persuade them to stop using irresponsibly sourced palm oil.
Week 6
This week, we have been busy getting to know Mrs Wray in preperation for January. We analysed and wrote about an extract of a diary from the war, which was written by a child of our own age. The children are all looking forward to working with her after Christmas.
We have been completing taekwondo with an external professional, who has been teaching us coordination and discipline, along with basic moves and sequences, in order to be proficient in self-defence.
Week 5
In topic, Class 5 have been writing letters home from the perspective of an evacuee. We helped develop our character by hot seating eachother and exploring the thoughts and emotions that must have gone through the childrens' minds whilst they were being seperated from their loved ones.
In maths, we have been consolidating our learning about fractions, decimals and percentages by completing investigations and reasoning questions that are similar to those that will appear in SATs papers.
Week 4
Class 5 have been busy writing their narrative stories that detail a war scene in an extract from War Horse. We have worked hard on developing emotive language from a first person perspective, in order to add more depth to our writing.
In topic, we have been learning about why and how children from cities such as London were evacuated. We explored how the children must have felt and what they might have experienced.
Week 3
Class 5 went to Crucial Crew to learn all about laws, rules and how to stay safe as they begin the transition to Secondary school. We took part in a variety of scenarios, including:
- A mock trial in a youth court room
- How to respond to/ how to prevent fires in the home
- Arson and anti-social behaviour
- E-safety and cyber-bullying
- Road-crossing safety
-Discrimination of disability, race, religion, sexual orientation and gender identity
- How to independently use a bus
- Primary survey and the recovery position
We set an excellent example with our behaviour, engagement and manners all day. Most importantly, we had a brilliant time!
Week 2
Year 6 finished off their work on the centenary by planning and presenting the school's annual remembrance worship.
We would like to thank all of the parents that came to pay their respects to those who fought and made sacrifices for us 100 years ago. All staff are extremely proud of the hard work Year 6 put in and the way in which they conducted themselves in the assembly.
Week 1
This week, we have begun exploring our new topic 'A Child's War' which focuses on the lives of children throughout World War 2. However, with it being the perfect timing to learn about the Centenary, we started by beginning our new book - 'War Horse' and analysing the poem - 'Flanders' Fields.' We explored the meaning of each stanza of the poem and discussed the themes of remembrance and respect. We then worked in small groups to create our own renditions of the poem, which we are going to read to the rest of the school in our remembrance assembly. The poems are touching and it has stimulated many conversations about family experiences of war within our class group.
We have been lucky enough to have some parents and families already share some of their war / army keepsakes with us and children have presented them with pride to the class. Some of them are from as far as Paris, Poland and Afghanistan. It is brilliant to see the children connecting with a topic that clearly means a lot to them and their families and we look forward to getting stuck into the rest of our learning about World War 1 and 2!