
St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

Home Page

St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

Year 1

Wecome to Class 1's home learning page for our year 1 children. Year 1 children are expected to engage in these home learning resources to support their learning home whilst away from. The resources are split into curriculum areas below.

Interactive Home Learning with Twinkl:

Below is a document with interactive links to various resources provided by Twinkl with different activities for each day. There is usually a cost to these resources, however Twinkl have very kindly provided a code which allows a months free access to any resources on their site. Below are instructions on how to create a free account to access these resources:


Go to and enter the code UKTWINKLHELPS (For a collection of interactive Go! resources, organised by age and subject, visit: teach-lesson-packs-twinkl-go)


Once you have created your account you will be able to access the resources shown in pack below.

Weekly Maths 

Below are the documents for our Big Maths and Clic Tests. We complete one of each every week. 

Every Monday we write about our weekend news

The work in the section below is what the children would be learning this week in school. Year 1 children are expected to complete the work in a format that suits you at home. 
One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.