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St Helen’s Catholic Primary School

Autumn Term 2

Week 7

Whoops-a-daisy Angel: Key Stage 1 Nativity

This week, alongside Class 1, Class 2 performed our Key Stage One Nativity which was called Whoops-a-daisy Angel.


Everyone behaved beautifully, they sang like angels, read their lines perfectly and their dance moves were fantastic. Everyone in Class 1 and 2 should be so proud of their performance.

What a wonderful way to end our last week of school in 2018.


Have a wonderful Christmas everyone and an excellent new year!

Miss Garratt

Week 6

This week, Class 2 continued with our Taekwondo lessons and we had a fantastic time gaining more skills and knowledge about this sport. 


The children have really enjoyed these lessons, everyone has been involved and has shown such confidence and skill so far!


Well done to everyone in Class 2 for taking part in Taekwondo!

Week 5

Christmas Fair

This Friday, Class 2 took part in St Helen's School Christmas Fair.


We worked very hard to create wreaths and decorations in the shape of stars for the fair. We had lots of fun creating these things and were very successful selling them. 


Thank you to everyone who bought one of our Christmas decorations.

Merry Christmas from Class 2!

Reciprocal Reading with Class 3

Class 2 started our reciprocal reading this week with Class 3 children. The children read their guided reading books with a peer from the other class and then they answered questions posed by the children. 


Everyone really enjoyed our reading activity and we are looking forward to more reading with Class 3 this Friday!

Week 4

This Monday, Class 2 travelled to the Royal Armouries in Leeds to conclude our Towers, Tunnels and Turrets topic with a very memorable experience. 


The children took part in a Knights and Castles workshop where we participated in a storytelling activity about Sir George and the dragon and then, helped Sir George to correctly dress in his armour after learning about it. We concluded our workshop by helping Sir George build his castle after the dragon blew it down with his fiery breath. 


After our workshop, we had lunch as a class and watched a two-handed sword fight then, explored the Tournament and War sections of this fantastic museum. 


What a wonderful day we had!

Well done to everyone in Class 2 for their efforts and outstanding behaviour, you should be proud of yourselves. 

Week 3

This week, Class 2 started our new topic Muck, Mess and Mixtures with a 'Messy Morning'!


This Monday, the children enjoyed creating a variety of messy mixtures using ingredients including flour, water, washing up liquid and food colouring. Everyone got involved and got their hands very messy. They followed a variety of instructions to create the different mixtures and since, we have been identifying features of instructions and have written our own recipe for a messy mixture.


Well done to everyone in Class 2 for being sensible on our 'Messy Morning' and for working hard to create instructional writing this week!

Week 2

This Friday, Class 2 took part in our school fundraising event for 'Children in Need'.


We dressed to impress in spots, stripes and with ears as Pudsey bears and as Blush. We have also decorated buns with a 'Children in Need' theme and enjoyed them in class. We completed our handwriting following the theme of our day 'Children in Need' as well as colouring sheets and the children worked very hard creating towers with the coins they brought in to donate.


Thank you to everyone for taking part and raising money for this wonderful cause!

Week 1

This week, Class 2 have returned to school ready to learn. They have produced some fantastic work and have behaved beautifully all week. 


We have continued our Towers, Tunnels and Turrets topic in Literacy focusing on our new class story George and the Dragon. The children have produced some brilliant descriptive work and have analysed our text. We have also looked at similes together and now we started to retell our story in small groups in dramas. The children practised in their groups and performed their dramas beautifully to their classmates. 


Well done to all of the children on their excellent start to Autumn 2!

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.