Welcome to Spring 2... half way through the school year already! We hope you have all had a restful February half term. Did you see all the amazing things we did in Spring 1? We have lots of lovely things planned for this next six week so please keep yourself updated by checking regularly on our class pages.
Below are some reminders and changes to the new year for Class 2. If you have any questions or concerns, please remember our door is always open.
Days to remember in summary:
Monday | PE |
Wednesday |
Mrs Miller/Mrs Levick's Read Write Inc group will have spelling homework. |
Friday |
Parents to check the website for updates and to see what we have been up to that week. Credits for homework, attendance, behaviour and achievements will be recorded in school. |
Weekly |
Book bags and water bottles to come to school. Reading Homework (Minimum of 3 times per week) Record in diaries. Credits will be awarded.
Books will be changed each week. TT Rockstars can be accessed via tablets/ipads at home. |
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday am | Mrs Miller |
Wednesday pm, Thursday, Friday | Mrs Levick |
One afternoon per week | Mrs Thompson |
Teaching Assistant | Mrs Hardman |
Supporting additional reading in Class 2 | Mrs Dickinson |
Student Teacher (until Easter) | Miss Hallows |
Parents Evening
During week 2 we will be having parents evening. Please make sure you sign up to see Mrs Miller about how your child is doing in class.
We have put together some resources we think you will find useful when supporting your child at home. If you would like anything printed or any futher support please ask, we are always happy to help.
Well done Class 2 for another fantastic half term! We hope that you enjoy your Easter holiday and look forward to seeing you in our new Summer term!
Over the holidays could you please collect a shoe box and any additional resources you might want to use for your habitat box on our parent session day. (Any spare resources/recycled materials would be super helpful)
We will be providing art materials to use in school too.
Wk 6 - W/C 25/03/24
WK 5 - W/C 18/3/24
The children have thoroughly enjoyed using the Beebots and Codapillars to explore the basics of coding and to experiment with different ways of solving problems. They loved playing the roles of Beebot and programmer, taking turns in directing their friends to different destinations in the playground.
It was Lots of Socks day on Thursday and the children enjoyed showing off their socks of different colours and patterns. We children learned that The Lots Of Socks campaign exists to raise awareness of Down syndrome and designed their own Happy Lots of Socks Day cards.
Wk 4 - w/c 11/03/24
WORLD BOOK DAY - 7th March 2024
This year our book focus has been 'We are Here' by Oliver Jeffers. We enjoyed reading the story and completed our own book reviews. The verdict: 5/5 stars! We later picked our favourite artwork from the book and have enjoyed working in pairs to re-create our own illustrations of Earth in its different forms.
We also wrote character descriptions of our favourite book character and enjoyed 'Stop. Drop. Read' with the different adults in class.
We had a fabulous day!
Wk 3 - w/c 05/03/24
This week in maths the children have been sharing objects into equal groups as part of our division topics.
We have been learning to keep our bodies healthy. We have learnt about different exercises, keeping clean and different food groups! Did you know you need to drink between 6-8 glasses of water and get at least 8-10 hours sleep every day too? All of these things keep our mind and bodies healthy.
Wk 2 - w/c 26/02/24
The children have been busy practising their 2,5 and 10 times tables with these supermover's songs!
Spring 2, wk 2 - W/C 26/02/24
We have been blown away by the generosity of our fabulous families!
Thank you!
Wet Playtimes...
It has been wet and miserable outside but that hasn't stopped our fun-loving children enjoying themselves!
Some people say it's like a zoo in our class...and they'd be right! The children have really enjoyed our new song 'Zootime' and have been making animal actions to find the pulse of the song.
Fantastic Spelling and Recounts
The literacy group love challenging themselves to see how many stars in a row they can achieve in 5 minutes. This week all the class have completed an assessed piece of writing and have really impressed their teachers!