Week 7
We have had an incredibly busy week this week in which Ebonylou taught us about pumpkins and brought in a fabulous pumpkin plant to add to our growing area, as well as planting out our beans. Class 4 grew some green beans in the style of a stop motion animation ( at different times) in order to see the rate of growth. We also planted the beans from our growing conditions experiment in which the beans had grown in water, sand and soil. Soil had the best growing conditions for the beans, despite this, the beans did grow in all conditions
Week 6
This week the children have been completing work about measure, in particular we have focused on converting mm, cm, m, km. To do this the children used bottle rockets to measure the distance travelled. We kept variables the same such as the amount of water (in test one 1/2 and in test two 1/3) as well as the person pumping air into the bottles. We found that the 7UP bottle flew the best with 1/3 of water within it. Well done Class 4.
Week 5
As part of our 'Allotment' topic the children are renewing an area of school and are going to plant fruits and vegetables. This will allow them to get their hands mucky observing life cycles, insects and animals in their natural habitats. Please look at the photos below - the children loved starting the project.
Week 4
This week saw the start of our new topic 'Allotment'. The children are extremely excited as they have started a new book to coincide with the topic called 'Varmints'. Within the book, the children have so far found out that the varmints are peaceful creatures that live in a peaceful world that is about to be disrupted by HUMANS! The children have therefore started writing persuasive speeches to the humans to save their habitats.
In art, children have also had a go at doing some still life drawings of flowers. We can't wait to share these with you when they are finished.
Week 3
The children have worked hard this week to complete their final drafts of their Odysseus stories. They used inspiration trays to support their writing, which really helped and they absolutely loved. The year 5's also completed a taster day at St Pius to gain a greater understanding of Secondary School life. The children were beautifully behaved and a credit to the school.
Final the Year 4's have come on so much during their Thursday swimming lessons and I am incredibly proud of all of them.
Week 2
This week we have continued learning about time and have had a go at some mastery time problems. We have also up-levelled and edited our story starter as well as writing scripts as either a pirate or surfer to retell the story of Pentecost. Well done Class 4
Week 1
After returning to school following our Easter break, children have focused on telling time, drawing time accurately on clocks and solving time problems that they could be faced with in everyday life.
In Literacy we have started our character and scene descriptions for our final installment of our own version of our Odysseus story.