
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Summer Term 1

Week 5


Well done Class 3 for a wonderful week of learning.


Thank you to our wonderful parents who joined us for our Science session on Monday. Children thoroughly enjoyed exploring the properties of materials, electrical circuits and separating mixtures.


This week, children have continued exploring Empire’s End: A Roman Story. Children have accessed VIPERS skills such as inference and retrieval, explanation and summary.


In Literacy, children have explored the key features of a narrative. Children are planning a creative narrative, inspired by the shipwreck within Empire’s End: A Roman story.


In Maths, Class 3 have started to explore time this week. Children have explored o’clock, half past, quarter past and to, along with telling time to 5 minutes.


In PE this week, children have continued to develop the necessary skills required to play tennis successfully. This week, our focus was the forehand pass.


In History, Class 3 explored what the Celts and their importance during the Roman invasion.


In Art, children explored the work of Magdalene Odundo and her creative ceramic pots. Children explored shape and movement during this lesson.


Well done Class 3, for yet another great week.


Week 4


Well done Class 3 for a wonderful week of learning.


This week, children have continued exploring Empire’s End: A Roman Story. Children have accessed VIPERS skills such as inference and retrieval, explanation and summary.


In Literacy, children have completed the writing up of their explanation texts and started to explore the key features of a narrative. Children explored setting and character descriptions, similes and tension.


In Maths, Class 3 have continued exploring capacity and volume. Children have added and subtracted amounts, estimated values and compared and ordered representations.


In History, Class 3 explored what the Romans brought with them to Britain during the invasion and how this may have benefitted us.


In Art, children explored the work of John Singer Sargent, particularly focusing on a piece of World War 1 art named ‘Gassed’. Children discussed the meaning behind the art and the emotions that the colours convey.


Well done Class 3, for yet another fantastic week.

Week 3


This week, children have enjoyed learning about the history of King Charles III. Children completed a fact file or collage art to share their understanding of King Charles III and British values.


This week, children have continued exploring Empire’s End: A Roman Story. Children have accessed VIPERS skills such as inference and retrieval, explanation and summary.


In Literacy, children have continued planning an explanation text of how to survive a storm at sea. This has been inspired by our current Guided Reading book, Empire’s End.


In Maths, Class 3 have continued exploring capacity and decimals (comparing values).


In History, Class 3 explored the reasoning behind why the Romans invaded Britain, along with what they brought with them. Children explored leadership, power and valuable items within the growing empire.


Well done Class 3, for yet another fantastic week.

Week 2


Class 3 have had a lovely trip to Danum Museum in Doncaster this week. Children were able to dress up as Romans, learn insightful information about day t day life in Roman Britain and enjoy a variety of activities. Class 3 created their very own mosaic, along with studying ancient artefacts such as jewellery, pottery and materials. Whilst at the museum, children were also able to explore local history such as weapons and tools discovered locally and structures built within Roman Britain such as Conisborough Castle.  


This week, children have continued exploring Empire’s End: A Roman Story. Children have read chapters 3 and 4, accessing VIPERS skills such as inference and retrieval.


In Literacy, children have started planning an explanation text of how to survive a storm at sea. This has been inspired by our current Guided Reading book, Empire’s End.


In Maths, Class 3 have explored capacity and decimals (making a whole).


In History, Class 3 explored the spread of the Roman Empire along with extending our knowledge on the individuals that both encouraged and disrupted this process, such as Julius Caesar and Queen Boudicca.

Week 1


Class 3 have had a fantastic week, they have settled back into our class routine wonderfully and enjoyed seeing friends after the holidays.


This week, children have explored Empire’s End: A Roman Story. Children have read chapters 1 and 2, along with accessing VIPERS skills daily to further comprehension.


In Literacy, children have started to explore explanation texts and identify their key features, along with recapping coordinating and subordinating conjunctions.


In Maths, Class 3 have explored mass and decimals (Y4).


In Science this week, we have started to explore Properties and Changes of Materials.


In History, Class 3 recapped briefly of British history and the expectation of job roles and life within the past. We also discussed the spread of the Roman Empire and made a prediction of how we think this may have impacted Britain.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.