
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Summer 1

Week 7


This week, children have explored a variation of non-fiction texts about the light. Children have enjoyed reading information texts about optical illusions and animal sights.  


In Literacy this week, children have started to explore the key features of a narrative such as inverted commas.  


In Maths, children have looked at statistics this week, specifically bar charts.


In PSHE, children have continued to explore acts of kindness – this also links to our current class virtue.


In History, children have further compared religion to day to that of the Roman invasion, along with the spread of Christianity.


Well done Class 3 for all of your hard work this week!


Have a great half term.


Week 6


This week, children have explored a variation of non-fiction texts about the predators. Children have enjoyed reading information texts about animal food chains.


In Literacy this week, children have applied prior skills when planning and writing a set of instructions. The instructions explained how to build a Roman house.  


In Maths, children have continued to explore time, specifically finding the duration and difference within periods of time.


In PSHE, children have explored acts of kindness both inside and outside of school.


In Spanish, children have learnt numbers 1-30.


In History, children have compared religion to day to that of the Roman invasion, along with the spread of Christianity.


Well done Class 3 for all of your hard work this week!


Have a great weekend.

Week 5


This week, children have explored a variation of non-fiction texts about the becoming a varying animal food chains. We also explored littering and how this effects animal diet.


In Literacy this week, children explored the key features of instructions, such as time conjunctions, adverbs and prepositions.  


In Maths, children have started a new topic of time. Children have focused on the analogue clock, predominantly o’clock and half past.   


In Science, children have continued to explore states of matter. Class 3 have made a spinning wheel to support knowledge of the water cycle.


In History, children have used their prior learning to continue making comparisons through the ages. This week, children focused on the similarities and differences within religion.


Well done Class 3 for all of your hard work this week!


Have a wonderful weekend.

Week 4


This week, children have explored a variation of non-fiction texts about the becoming a roman centurion, along with climate change and prevention strategies.


In Literacy this week, children explored the key features of instructions in preparation for our next writing style.  


In Maths, children have continued exploring statistics, particularly bar charts.  


In Science, children have continued to explore states of matter. Class 3 have explored the 3 states of water.


In History, children have used their prior learning to continue making comparisons this week.


Well done Class 3 for all of your hard work this week!


Have a great weekend.


Week 3


This week, children have explored a variation of non-fiction texts about the Stone Age, particularly the Stone Age diet and settlements.


In Literacy this week, children created their very own piece of persuasive writing, encouraging readers to visit Germany. Children ensured that the piece of writing included the present, perfect tense, exciting word choices and rhetorical questions.  


In Maths, children have started to explored statistics this week, specifically pictograms. Children now know the importance of reading the key before exploring further.  


In Science, children have continued to explore states of matter. Class 3 have revisited to solids, liquids and gases, along with learning about freezing and melting points this week.


In Spanish, children have learnt the word ‘pero’ which means ‘but’ in Spanish.


In History, children have used their prior learning to support making comparisons this week. Children have compared the features of Roman Britain to those of Britain today, considering education, transportation and light sources.


Well done Class 3 for all of your hard work this week!


Have a great weekend.

Week 2


This week, children have explored a variation of non-fiction texts about Romans in Britain. Children have enjoyed reading information texts about the Roman invasion and the strange foods that they brought with them.


In Literacy this week, children have started to plan their very own persuasive piece of writing about visiting Germany.


In Maths, children have started to explored measure (litres and millilitres), along with writing decimals.


In PE, children have explored the skills of tennis with Mr Burns. This week, we focused on forehand and backhand skills.


In Science, children have continued to explore states of matter. Class 3 have revisited to solids, liquids and gases, along with studying particle arrangements.


In RHE this week, children have learnt about first aid heroes both inside and outside of a school setting.


In History, children have explored and researched local remains of prehistoric Roman sites within Britain.


Well done Class 3 for all of your hard work this week!


Have a great weekend.

Week 1


This week, children have explored a variation of non-fiction texts about the rocks and fossils. Children have enjoyed reading information texts about rock formation and fossilisation.


In Literacy this week, children have explored persuasive writing. Children have studied the present perfect tense and compared this to the simple past tense.


In Maths, children have started to explored measure (grams and kilograms), along with tenths and decimals.


In PE, children have continued to explore team building games in tennis with Mr Burns. This week, we focused on balance and ball control.


In Science, children have explored states of matter. Class 3 have been introduced to solids, liquids and gases.


In Spanish, children have studied a new phrase – quisiera (meaning I want). Children have also explored opinions of animals and colour.


In History, children completed a unit pre assessment before exploring local Roman history next week.


Well done Class 3 for all of your hard work this week!


Have a great weekend.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.