
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Summer 2

Week 5

This week we had our transition days. We welcomed lots of children into class 1 and our children from Nursery were wonderful. Our children who visited Class 2 were all very excitedsmiley

Week 4

This week was Sports Day for us. The children were all amazing! 

Week 3

This week in Science the children have been using their knowledge of materials to make boats. They decided that it needed to be waterproof and not absorbent. It had to carry a person and stay floating for more than a minute. It was lots of fun experimenting with different materials, objects, joining methods and little people! 

In our RHE lessons we have been performing some of the songs from this year in groups.

On Friday we all went to our annual Federation Sports Day at The English Institute of Sport in Sheffield. What an amazing day it was!

Week 2

Some children in Class 1 have been writing about our trip. They have been using their phonics skills to spell and write words. Year 1 have been thinking carefully about how to write super sentences.

To help us to keep calm and cool in this hot weather we have been doing yoga in the afternoon. It really does help get our minds and bodies ready for learning.

In DT we have been looking at toys and how they work using different mechanisms. We are learning about pivots, levers and linkages/

Week 1

I cannot believe that we are now in our sixth and final half term of the year! The children all returned happy and ready to learn with our Year 1 all doing their very best in the Phonics Screening Check. I am so proud of them allheart

On Friday we had our class trip to The Tropical Butterfly House. It was a wonderful day and we found out so many interesting facts from the workshops and our time there. Enjoy looking through the fabulous photos smiley

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.