Week 7
Wow, its the last week of half term and what a brilliant half term we have had. Well done to all of Class 4, they have worked hard to learn about biomes, the rainforest, the Amazon river, the wildlife of South America, the states of North America as well as finishing the novel Holes by Louis Sachar. The children have also worked on developing their understanding of column multiplication and division using bus stop. We have learnt the Macarena in Spanish as part of understanding songs and parts of the body. We have also learnt about plants and how they grow and how water is transported. Well done Class 4, I am proud of you all!
Week 5
This week the children have recapped their understanding of how mountains are made and identified different examples of these on a map of the USA. We have also continued our journey of division, using partitioning to find the answers to division problems with and without remainders.
In PE the children continued developing balance, symmetry and reflection routines whilst on Monday the children took part in an E-Safety workshop.
In Literacy we finished our novel Holes by Louis Sachar which the children loved and began writing dialogue through reported and direct speech as well as creating a book review.
Well done Class 4!
Week 4
What a busy week! This week Class 4 have continued to learn gymnastics with Mr Johnson, focusing on rolls, balance and core strength. The have then begun learning how to multiply 2 digits by 2 digits in column method as well as solving two part multiplication problems.
Class 4 have journeyed around South America and used atlas to fins countries and capital cities before making up rhymes to remember them i.e Bart picks his bogies in Bogota, Columbia.
Finally we have learnt about rivers, the different parts of rivers and how the Amazon basin is as big as the USA minus Texas.
Well done Class 4!
Week 2
Brilliant start to the week, the children finished their letters to The warden using PEE (point, evidence and explain) to campaign to free Stanley Yelnats' from the story Holes.
We then began researching Yellow-Spotted Lizards to develop our ICT skills so we could present our findings using a factual double page spread.
In Science, we have learnt about parts of the flower and how it works. Meanwhile in Music, we began our new song 'Lean on me' by Bill Withers. The majority of the children enjoyed the song and its changes in pace.
Finally, we have begun our crash course in coding, the children learnt what coding is, the use of objects, events, commands, inputs and outputs to make fish swim and bubbles to move.
Well done Class 4!
Week 1
This week was only a short week but the children began their new novel in Literacy called 'Holes' by Louis Sachar. This is linked with our topic of Amazing Americas and the topic question 'Do humans appreciate and understand the world in which we live?'.
As we begin the Spring term, we will begin studying plants in Science, biomes, climates, habitats and landmarks of America as well as short writing activities in Literacy. In math's, we have moved onto perimeter and area before completing graphs.